A day of extremes, heavy downpours were interspersed with clear sun filled skies that made the howling wind feel more like a hairdryer than an unseasonable gale. The onshore wind meant that we experienced the first real Shearwater passage of the autumn with 90 Balearic Shearwaters, one (possibly two) Sooty Shearwaters and a decent movement of Manxies past throughout the morning. The backing cast included two Arctic Skuas, seven Common Scoters and a pair of Whimbrel. In the garden things were looking encouraging with the first Pied Flycatcher trapped (plus another unringed bird) and the first Redstart of the autumn. However, the wind was such that, even in our sheltered oasis, catching was tricky and totals were thus affected.
Ferrybridge was swarming with birds and 285 Dunlin was the highest count yet this autumn. Joining them were 140 Ringed Plovers, 20 Sanderling, two each of Whimbrel and Curlew, singles of Redshank and Little Gull plus six Common Terns and nine fledgling Little Terns.