31st |
A much more pleasant day that
unfortunately provided poor reward for plenty of searching. A Yellow-browed
Warbler was reported briefly at Avalanche Road but subsequent
searches for it drew a blank; rarity interest was otherwise limited to
a fly-over Lapland Bunting at the Bill. A handful of thrushes,
finches and Reed Buntings passed overhead, but the only
birds of note on the ground were a couple of Firecrests at the
Bill and another at Avalanche Road, and a thin sprinkle of Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests at all the suitable sites.
Seawatching at the Bill produced 7 Common and 4 Velvet Scoters,
a Mediterranean Gull and a single unidentified diver.
30th |
The early promise of a still and
overcast dawn soon fizzled out as heavy rain and gale force winds
swept in through the morning to spoil any birding during the rest of
the day. A few thrushes, finches and Reed Buntings
passed through again at the Bill, and there were good counts of 44 Goldcrests
and 11 Chiffchaffs at Pennsylvania Castle, but the only scarcer
migrants found were 11 Firecrests scattered around the south of
the island and a lone Treecreeper at Pennsylvania Castle.
Redpoll - Portland Bill, October 29th 2003 © James Lees |
29th |
After a night of heavy rainfall there was a small
arrival of grounded migrants but overhead passage all but petered out.
A Serin made another brief appearance at the Obs, but otherwise
the best of the scarcer migrants were a respectable island-wide count
of at least 13 Firecrests, 3 Short-eared Owls between
the Bill and Barleycrates Lane, and single Treecreepers at Old
Hill and Pennsylvania Castle. Noteworthy counts of commoner migrants
included 12 new Blackcaps at the Obs.
Warbler - Southwell, October 28th 2003 © Martin Cade |
28th |
The long-awaited first Pallas's Warbler
of the autumn was today's highlight: it showed well all day at Southwell School.
Further rarities and scarce migrants included 4 Firecrests at
the Bill, 3 Black Redstarts at the Bill and Southwell, 2 Woodlarks
flying over at Portland Heights, a Merlin at the Bill, a late Yellow
Wagtail over Top Fields and Weston, a Treecreeper at Old
Hill and a Serin at Barleycrates Lane. Thrushes, finches
and Reed Buntings continued to pass through in some numbers and
there was also an influx of new Goldcrests; Swallows
still linger on, with at least 30 at the Bill alone.
27th |
weather, same trickle of birds. Bramblings and Reed Buntings,
with counts of 25 and 20 respectively, were conspicuous at the Bill
early in the morning where all the other usual suspects also passed
through in small numbers; a fly-over Serin, 3 Mistle
Thrushes, a Merlin, a Black Redstart and a Firecrest
were the best of the oddities there. The only news from other sites
was of 2 Firecrests at both Pennsylvania Castle and Avalanche
26th |
day of typical late autumn passage that produced small numbers of all
the expected commoner migrants. Less regular species around the island
included Firecrests at Verne Common (5), the Bill (3) and
Wakeham, 4 Yellowhammers, a Merlin and a Woodlark
at the Bill, a Short-eared Owl at Barleycrates Lane, a Treecreeper
at Pennsylvania Castle and a Black
Redstart at Broadcroft Quarry.
25th |
of the same today, although rarities and scarce migrants were all but
absent. Counts from the Bill area included 20 Redwings, 15 Bramblings,
8 Fieldfares, 5 Redpolls, 3 Siskins, 3 Reed
Buntings, 2 Firecrests, a Golden Plover and a Ring
Ouzel. Elsewhere there were 32 Redwings, 11 Fieldfares,
a Mistle Thrush and a Firecrest at Verne Common, a late Whinchat
lingering on at Barleycrates Lane, a Black Redstart at Easton
and further Firecrests at Avalanche Road (2), Pennsylvania
Castle (2), the Grove (2) and Southwell.
24th |
calmer day that saw plenty of common migrants on the move again (with
a week of the month still to go, the total of more than 1250 birds
trapped and ringed already constitutes the highest October ringing
total recorded at the Obs). Thrushes and finches were
again numerous, and there were still good numbers of alba
Wagtails, Meadow Pipits, Stonechats, Goldcrests
and Reed Buntings passing through. In the very fine weather it
was no surprise that none of the rarities and scarcer migrants
reported lingered for more than a few minutes; highlights included a Serin
at Culverwell, a Richard's
Pipit and 2 Lapland Buntings at Reap Lane, a Woodcock,
a Woodlark and a Corn Bunting at the Bill and another Woodcock
at Verne Common.
Brambling -
Portland Bill, October 23rd 2003 © James Lees |
23rd |
a disappointing day, with the stir-up in the weather yesterday failing
to produce any obvious reward today. Thrushes and finches,
including a Mistle Thrush and a Ring Ouzel at the Bill,
were still on the move in small numbers, but the only slightly scarcer
migrants seen were 2 Firecrests at the Obs and another at Verne
Common, a Short-eared Owl at the Bill and a Water Rail
at Culverwell. Three Teal were the only birds of note passing
through on the sea at the Bill.
Bunting - Blacknor, October 22nd 2003 © James Lees |
22nd |
The first substantial rainfall for many
weeks made serious birding a less than inviting proposition and there
were relatively few observations to report. A settled Lapland
Bunting at Blacknor was the best find of the day, whilst scarcer
migrants still around included single Ring Ouzels at the Bill
and Priory Corner, a Merlin at the Bill and several Firecrests
at the Bill, Avalanche Road and the former Weston Craft Centre. A few thrushes
and finches trickled through but otherwise the rain seemed not
to have dropped many new common migrants.
Warbler - Portland Bill, October 21st 2003 © James Lees |
21st |
The calmest day for a couple of weeks
saw a good selection of typical late autumn birds recorded around the
island. Highlights included a Yellow-browed Warbler at
Avalanche Road, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a Woodlark,
a Dartford Warbler and a Lapland Bunting at the Bill.
Common migrants, particularly Chiffchaffs, Goldcrests
and a variety of finches, passed though in good numbers again,
whilst scarcer species included 6 Firecrests at the Bill and
another single at Avalanche Road, 2 Black Redstarts at Tout
Quarry, single Ring Ouzels at Tout Quarry and the Bill, a Short-eared
Owl at Suckthumb Quarry and a Merlin at the Bill.
20th |
The still brisk and cold wind edged into the
north after a weak weather front had passed through during the night,
and thrushes and finches again moved through in quantity
for a couple of hours after dawn. New common migrants were otherwise
not particularly plentiful, although Ring Ouzels and Firecrests
were still scattered around the island in some numbers, and lone Short-eared
Owls were at the Bill and Portland Heights. The rarities of the
day proved frustratingly difficult to get to grips with: a very vocal Red-throated
Pipit roamed the fields immediately to the north of the Obs for a
while early in the afternoon but afforded flight views only; a Richard's
Pipit was flushed from Top Fields and left strongly to the north;
a Lapland Bunting was another 'fly-over only' at the Bill; and
finally, a Yellow-browed Warbler found late in the afternoon at
Avalanche Road was heard calling frequently but couldn't be seen.
Swan - Portland Bill, October 19th 2003 © Martin Cade/James Lees |
19th |
With strong, cold easterly winds continuing to
dominate there were plenty more birds to be seen everywhere. Thrushes,
Stonechats, Chiffchaffs, Goldcrests and finches
were conspicuous and appeared to be arriving throughout the day;
rarities and less regular migrants included at least 12 Ring Ouzels
and 6 Firecrests scattered around the island, a Merlin
and a Short eared Owl a the Bill, a Yellow-browed Warbler
heard briefly at Southwell School, a Continental Coal Tit at
Avalanche Road and a Lapland Bunting overhead on the West
Cliffs. Another 160 Black-headed Gulls passed through off the
Bill, along with 30 Common Scoter, 3 Wigeon, a Brent
Goose and Mediterranean Gull. The most peculiar incident of
the day concerned the arrival in off the sea and subsequent capture of
the first Mute Swan to be ringed at the Bill; having escaped
the attention of marauding gulls and made landfall on the East Cliff,
this hapless individual was spectacularly plucked from the sky as it
tried to take to the air again and duly became one of the more
unlikely species to be ringed at the Obs.
18th |
More of the same today. The Continental Coal
Tit was still present at the Obs and a second individual was found
at Old Hill. A Lapland Bunting was a new arrival at the Bill,
where there were also 8 Firecrests and 8 Ring Ouzels;
another 2 Firecrests and 7 Ring Ouzels were
scattered around the centre and north of the island, and single
Short-eared Owls were seen at the Bill and Church Ope. Grounded and
fly-over migrants were reasonably plentiful everywhere, and included a
noteworthy count of 66 Stonechats between Tout Quarry and the Bill, as well as late
records of lone Lesser Whitethroats at Wakeham and Delhi Lane,
and a Reed Warbler at the Bill. Black-headed Gulls
continued to feature off the Bill, where 352 were counted moving east
during the morning.
17th |
day of clear skies and strong easterly winds. Grounded migrants were
not plentiful, but there was plenty of visible passage overhead and a
few more interesting scarcities showed up. A Yellow-browed Warbler
was a new arrival at the former Weston Craft Centre, a Treecreeper
showed up at Pennsylvania Castle, another Woodlark passed
through at the Bill, the Continental Coal Tit remained in the
Obs garden, and 15 Ring Ouzels, 7 Firecrests and a
couple of Merlins were scattered widely around the Island. An
hour-and-a-half sample count of overhead passage at the Bill provided
totals of 205 Meadow Pipits, 160 Starlings, 141 Chaffinches,
115 Linnets, 84 Greenfinches, 55 alba Wagtails,
23 Skylarks and smaller numbers of a good variety of other
species. Another 102 Black-headed Gulls passed through off the
Bill, along with 12 Teal and 5 Brent Geese. |
Coal Tit - Portland Bill, October 16th 2003 © Martin Cade
16th |
wind remained firmly in the east and there was another interesting
selection of rarities and scarce migrants on view around the island. A
Yellow-browed Warbler remained at Culverwell, and a Great
Crested Grebe, a Jack Snipe and a Continental Coal Tit were
all new arrivals elsewhere in the Bill area. A fly-over Woodlark
at Cheyne Weare was a first for the autumn, whilst there were still 6 Ring
Ouzels, 6 Firecrests, 2 Merlins and a Short-eared
Owl scattered widely. The variety of common migrants was rather
similar to yesterday, although visible passage was a good deal less
conspicuous. Seawatching at the Bill produced 102 Black-headed
Gulls, 47 Common Gulls, 11 Common Scoter, 3 Great
Skuas, a Brent Goose and a Red-breasted Merganser. |
Ring Ouzel -
West Weare, October 15th 2003 © James Lees
15th |
bird-filled day, although birding itself remained very difficult in
almost gale force easterlies. Notable new arrivals included a Red
Kite over the Verne and Church Ope, a Hen Harrier over
Church Ope, a Barn Owl at Wide Street, an 'eastern'
Chiffchaff at Old Hill and reports of 1 or more Yellow-browed
Warblers at Culverwell; a Cetti's Warbler at Bumpers Lane
may have been the individual first seen at the same site (in fact in
the same bush!) several weeks ago. Grounded migrants were less
numerous than in recent days, although still included at least 23 Ring
Ouzels dotted around the north of the island, and 3 Firecrests
and 2 Short-eared Owls at the Bill. Ouzels aside, thrush
numbers dwindled and the majority of overhead passage consisted of Skylarks,
pipits, wagtails and finches moving north; an
hour-and-a-half sample count at the Bill in the morning produced
totals including 670 Linnets, 440 Meadow Pipits, 105 alba
Wagtails, 60 Starlings and 28 Skylarks. Seawatching
at the Bill provided a typically motley selection of sightings
including 75 Black-headed Gulls, 21 Brent Geese, 9 Teal,
a Wigeon and a Pintail. |
Kestrel -
Portland Bill, October 14th 2003 © Martin Cade
14th |
surprisingly, all of yesterday's rarities had moved on and, although
common migrants were still passing through in quantity, the only
quality arrivals in their place were a Quail and a Lapland
Bunting at the Bill. Thrushes again featured prominently
everywhere, with a minimum of 20 Ring Ouzels scattered around
the island, as well as counts of 250 Blackbirds, 200 Song
Thrushes, 200 Redwings, 10 Fieldfares and 2 Mistle
Thrushes passing through at the BIll. Further interest was
provided by 3 Black Redstarts, 2 Merlins, 2 Firecrests
and a Short-eared Owl at the Bill, and a Hobby over
Reforne, whilst among the commoner species there was the first good
passage of Starlings of the autumn and a good count of 9 Snipe
at the Bill. On the sea, Common Gulls were on the move for the
first time, and 12 Wigeon, 3 Dunlin, 8 Brent Geese,
2 Teal, a Curlew and a Little Gull also passed
the Bill. |
Radde's Warbler,
Chiffchaff and 'eastern' Chiffchaff, and Yellow-browed
Warbler - Portland Bill, October 13th 2003 © Martin Cade/James
13th |
storming good day today with several excellent quality rarities and
plenty of common migrants. The highlight was a Radde's Warbler
trapped and ringed in the Obs garden and released in the Obs Quarry
where it showed well throughout the day; the strong supporting cast
included a Common Rosefinch in and around the Obs garden for a
while at dawn, single Yellow-browed Warblers at the Obs,
Southwell and Wakeham, an 'eastern' Chiffchaff trapped and
ringed at the Obs, an Osprey and a Marsh Harrier
flying south at the Bill and, finally, a elusive Siberian Stonechat
that was found at Barleycrates Lane late in the day. Counts of
commoner migrants included 460 Chaffinches overhead in the
centre of the island, 100 Blackbirds at the Bill, 100 Redwings
at both the Bill and Weston, 75 Song Thrushes at Weston
and 10 Bramblings at both the Bill and Weston, whilst scarcer
migrants included 4 Firecrests at the Bill, 3 Mistle
Thrushes at the Bill, Ring Ouzels at Priory Corner (2) and
Reap Lane, and a Dartford Warbler at the Bill. |
12th |
howling south-east gale had set in by dawn and with shelter at a
premium birding was hard work and pretty unrewarding. Substantial
numbers of wagtails, pipits, thrushes and finches
were on the move overhead, but the best of the few grounded migrants
were 2 Ring Ouzels and 2 Firecrests at the Bill. The
hoped-for busy seawatch came to nothing, with only 14 Common Scoter,
2 Grey Plover, a Red-breasted Merganser and an Arctic
Skua logged passing the BIll. |
11th |
Yellow-browed Warbler showed up briefly in Southwell early in
the morning but it was again the only sighting of any great note on
the island. In fine, sunny weather grounded migrants were relatively
thin on the ground, with the best being 13 Stonechats, 9 Reed
Buntings, a Golden Plover, a Whinchat, a Redstart
and a Dartford Warbler at the Bill; among the commoner species
there were conspicuous influxes of Dunnocks, Great Tits
and Greenfinches. Overhead passage was again quite heavy, and
included counts of 200 alba Wagtails, 45 Siskins,
12 Bramblings and 5 Redpolls at the Bill. |
10th |
a lean few days for rarities the appearance of a Yellow-browed
Warbler in a private garden at Southwell was welcome.
Unfortunately the day was otherwise very quiet, with grounded and
over-flying migrants in short supply. The Bill area produced just 10 Chiffchaffs,
5 Blackcaps, 4 Goldcrests, 2 Wheatears, a Merlin
and a Firecrest on the ground, as well as 500 Linnets
and small numbers of pipits, wagtails and other finches
passing through overhead. The only report from elsewhere was of a lone
Reed Bunting at Suckthumb Quarry. |
9th |
more routine October passage but still not a hint of anything remotely
out of the ordinary. Overhead passage again dominated at the Bill,
where 800 Linnets, 300 Meadow Pipits, 300 alba
Wagtails, 50 Siskins, 40 Chaffinches, 15 Skylarks
and 3 Reed Buntings passed through. On the ground there were
more Stonechats in evidence, but otherwise just a sprinkle of Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests everywhere; a late Redstart
was at Wakeham and a late Whitethroat at the Bill, but the only
scarcer migrants were a Merlin and a Firecrest at the
Bill. Seawatching at the Bill produced 17 Common Scoter, a Red-throated
Diver, a Sooty Shearwater and an Arctic Skua. |
8th |
milder but still overcast day that produced quite a bit more movement.
Overhead passage was surprisingly heavy, with totals at the Bill of
1300 Linnets, 200 alba Wagtails, 150 Goldfinches,
75 Chaffinches, 35 Siskins, 3 Reed Buntings, 2 Redpolls
and 2 Bramblings flying south. Grounded migrants included small
numbers of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests
everywhere, but still nothing better than a Merlin and a Firecrest
at the Bill. Only sheer persistence provided any reward on the
seawatchhing front, with the majority of the total of 8 Great
and an Arctic Skua seen at the Bill passing through
during a brief flurry of action during the afternoon. |
7th |
blustery north-westerly weather continued and land and sea were both
pretty quiet. Seawatching at the Bill produced 4 Arctic and 3 Great
Skuas as well as a report of a lone Leach's Petrel, and
there was little more interesting than a Merlin and a Reed
Bunting on the land there. Elsewhere there were 4 Brent Geese
at Ferrybridge and a Firecrest at Pennsylvania Castle. |
Rosefinch - Portland Bill, October 6th 2003 © Martin Cade
6th |
a wet and at times quite stormy night it was a surprise that there
were a few new arrivals on the land. The highlights were another Common
Rosefinch trapped and ringed at the Obs (the sixth island record
this year) and a Dartford Warbler reported at Southwell. Among
the scatter of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests
at the Bill there was also a Redstart, a Garden Warbler
and a Reed Bunting. Despite the wind veering back into the
north-west the sea provided some interest, with 5 Arctic and 3 Great
Skuas and a lone Balearic Shearwater passing the Bill. |
Pied Wagtail -
Portland Bill, October 5th 2003 © Martin Cade
5th |
passage dominated again today, with Meadow Pipits, alba
Wagtails, Chaffinches and Linnets still on the move
in quantity; among the variety of other species logged there were 90 Siskins
over the Bill, the first 2 Bramblings of the autumn at
Culverwell, 3 Lapland Buntings over Southwell and a Snow
Bunting over Barleycrates Lane. On the ground there were still
fair numbers of Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests everywhere,
whilst oddities included 2 Firecrests, a Short-eared Owl,
a Turtle Dove and a Ring Ouzel at the Bill,
another Turtle Dove at Barleycrates Lane, another Firecrest
at Avalanche Road and a Treecreeper at Southwell School. The
sea remained very quiet in the strong offshore winds, with nothing
more interesting than 2 Arctic Terns and an Arctic Skua
off the Bill. |
4th |
return of chilly, blustery north-westerlies saw to it that there were
fewer grounded migrants but a lot more overhead passage today. Visible
passage totals at the Bill included 1500 Meadow Pipits, 1500 Linnets,
400 alba Wagtails, 300 Goldfinches, 100 Chaffinches,
55 Siskins, 6 Golden Plovers and 5 Reed Buntings.
Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests made up the
bulk of the few grounded migrants everywhere, with the only oddities
reported being a Merlin and a Firecrest at the Bill, a Ring
Ouzel at Reforne, and a flock of 23 Ravens over Verne
Common. Seawatching at the Bill produced 2 Little Egrets, 2 Brent
Geese, a Great Northern Diver, a Red-breasted Merganser
and a Pomarine Skua, whilst waders at Ferrybridge included 4 Bar-tailed
and a lone Black-tailed Godwit. |
Chiffchaff -
Portland Bill, October 3rd 2003 © Martin Cade
3rd |
a long time of waiting, dawn saw almost perfect 'fall' conditions over
the island and the few birders around were certainly not disappointed
by the events of the day. Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps
dominated, with totals at the Bill alone of 400 and 200 respectively;
other counts from there included 500 House Martins, 300 alba
Wagtails, 300 Linnets, 40 Siskins, 30 Song
Thrushes, 25 Chaffinches, 8 Redstarts and 6 Redwings.
Trapping effort at the Obs and Culverwell produced a joint day total
of 253 new birds ringed - more than double the previous highest day
total this year. Scarcer migrants around the island included at least
4 Firecrests and a couple of Ring Ouzels, whilst rarity
interest was provided by a Cirl Bunting briefly at Culverwell
(the first island record for ten years), a Common Rosefinch at
Tilleycombe and a presumed Siberian Chiffchaff at Culverwell. |
2nd |
variety today although numbers remained pretty poor. The only rarity
reported was a Red Kite that did a round of the island during
the morning. The Bill area produced counts of 30 Wheatears, 25 Chaffinches,
10 Chiffchaffs, 6 Yellow Wagtails, 5 Redstarts, 3
Tree Pipits, 3 Song Thrushes, 3 Whinchats, a Hobby,
a Snipe, a Dunlin, a Turtle Dove, a Ring Ouzel,
a Sedge Warbler, a Garden Warbler, a Goldcrest
and a Siskin. Elsewhere there were 3 Firecrests at
Easton and 2 Turtle Doves at Suckthumb Quarry. |
Rosefinch - Portland Bill, October 1st 2003 © Martin Cade
1st |
was an encouraging start to the new month when a Common Rosefinch
was trapped and ringed in the Obs garden early in the morning.
Searching for common migrants was hard work in very strong easterly
winds and, as the day went on, increasingly heavy rain; however, the
Bill area produced the first flurry of migrant Blackbirds of
the autumn, as well as a sprinkle of other common migrants, 5 Grey
Herons, 2 Hobbies, a Golden Plover and a Snipe.
Six Wigeon and 2 Great Skuas were the only birds of note
on the sea. |