31st January
30th January
A very slim list to show for today's efforts: 3 Red-throated Divers through off the Bill, 2 Eider still settled offshore, 11 Purple Sandpipers at the Bill and at least 2 of the Redpolls still coming and going from the Ons garden; away from the Bill the Rosy Starling was still at Easton, there were Black Redstarts at Chesil Cove (2) and Osprey Quay, and the Red-necked Grebe was still in Portland Harbour.
29th January
A Glaucous Gull lingering around Chesil Cove was a welcome oddity on what turned out to be a pleasant, intermittently sunny day, albeit always briskly breezy. Other odds and ends making the list included the 3 Redpolls and Merlin at the Bill and single Black Redstarts at Weston and Osprey Quay.
Glaucous Gulls have been pretty sparse in recent winters so a lingerer was very welcome © Martin Cade:
28th January
Five Wigeon through off the Bill provided today's very minor highlight; another 3 Red-throated Divers also passed by, a lone Purple Sandpiper was at the Bill, a Black Redstart at Portland Castle and a Great Northern Diver and Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Ferrybridge. Roll on spring.
Pale-bellied and Dark-bellied Brents at Ferrybridge this morning © Pete Saunders:
27th January
26th January
Just as forecast, today was indeed a shocker and only the most conscientious ventured out into the continuous drizzle and freshening wind. A Redwing was at the Obs, a Black Redstart at Portland Castle and 160 Dunlin and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits at Ferrybridge.
Despite the miserable conditions the Black Redstart was showing nicely at Portland Castle © Pete Saunders:
25th January
24th January
23rd January
22nd January
Under a clear sky it was a lovely day to get out birding even if, as is more often than not the case at this time of year, it was largely uneventful. Sadly, the one event that was more than worthwhile - a fly-over Great White Egret at Blacknor - required being in just the right spot at the right moment for; otherwise it was a day for tapping into a few of the regulars: 5 Purple Sandpipers, 3 Redpolls, a Merlin and a Chiffchaff at the Bill, 6 Long-tailed Tits and 3 Blackcaps at Southwell, the 3 Rooks at Barleycrates Lane, the Rosy Starling at Easton and a Black Redstart at Blacknor.
It's a hard life being a Purple Sandpiper © Pete Saunders:
21st January
20th January
Although Portland was a fair way away from suffering a direct hit from Storm Christoph it was still a sufficiently unpleasant day that the only reports were of a Merlin at the Bill and a Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Ferrybridge.
19th January
18th January
Just a rather thin selection of a few of the regulars today: 5 Purple Sandpipers and a Merlin at the Bill, a single Red-throated Diver through on the sea there and 4 Blackcaps at Southwell.
One of the Bill Purple Sandpipers © Pete Saunders:
17th January
16th January
Just as the ground had more or less dried up underfoot so it was back to square one after heavy rain set in during the early hours and dragged on until well after dawn. A Wigeon was new at Ferrybridge, a Golden Plover passed over at the Bill and the first Great Skua for a few days joined the fishing flock off the Bill. Otherwise, it was as you were, with amongst others the Rosy Starling still at Easton, 3 Blackcaps still at Southwell and 2 Red-throated Divers through off the Bill.
This morning's Wigeon at Ferrybridge © Pete Saunders:
15th January
A largely uneventful day with a Lapwing at the Bill the only new arrival of interest. Nine Red-throated Divers passed by off the Bill, 10 Common Scoter were still settled offshore and 3 Redpolls, a Black Redstart and a Chiffchaff were still about on the land. Elsewhere, 3 Blackcaps were still at Southwell, a Black Redstart was at Barleycrates Lane, the Rosy Starling was again at Easton and 340 Mediterranean Gulls were at Ferrybridge.
A lone Bottle-nosed Dolphin was off the Bill during the morning.
Stonechat at the Bill this morning © Pete Saunders:
14th January
Weather-wise, a kinder day that we'd thought was supposed to be in the offing but very slow on the bird front: 3 Red-throated Divers passed through off the Bill where 14 Common Scoter were still settled offshore and 198 Dark-bellied (25 of which headed away east) and a Pale-bellied Brent were at Ferrybridge.
13th January
Ferrybridge was busy today, with the highlight the first appearance there since November of the Black Brant; a winter peak to date of 190 Dunlin and a good site total of 40 Cormorants were also of note, with a Pale-bellied Brent Goose also of interest amongst a good selection of other regulars. Twelve Red-throated Divers through off the Bill were the best of the bunch there, with the lingering 11 Common Scoter and 2 Eider still present offshore and the 3 Redpolls still about on the land. Elsewhere, 3 Blackcaps were still at Southwell and, bearing in mind their current status, a count of 5 Greenfinches at Reforne was noteworthy (...any records of Greenfinch are worth reporting at the moment - we haven't seen one at the Obs since November!).
Although there have been reports of various extra individuals further up the Fleet, the Black Brant that wanders down to Ferrybridge always seems to be the same individual; today, also as always, it was paired up with a Dark-bellied Brent © Pete Saunders:
12th January
A very different flavour to the weather now: damp, dreary and very mild. For a while there was enough visibility to see that there was a fair-sized feeding aggregation off the Bill and this attracted in a Great Skua for the first time for a few days; 9 Common Scoter and 2 Eider were still settled offshore, 4 Red-throated Divers passed by and singles of Merlin, Purple Sandpiper and Black Redstart were about on the land. The only other reports were of the Rosy Starling still at Easton and a good winter total of 10 Curlew amongst the wildfowl and waders at Ferrybridge.
11th January
A freshening and backing of the breeze into the west heralded the arrival of much milder conditions. Bird interest diminished considerably with the only reports being of 3 Redpolls, a Merlin and a Purple Sandpiper at the Bill, the Rosy Starling still at Easton and a Merlin over the north of the island.
10th January
A handful more cold weather arrivals to show from today's efforts, notably 13 Golden Plovers and a Fieldfare that dropped in at the Bill; 2 Long-tailed Tits at Southwell were the first from the south of the island for a while, whilst a new Blackcap was visiting a garden at the Grove. Among the more routine fare, the Merlin was getting about - or might there be more than one? - with an early sighting from Blacknor before it returned to the Bill; 8 Common Scoter and 2 Eider were off the Bill, 3 Redpolls, a Purple Sandpiper and a Black Redstart were at the Bill and 4 Blackcaps and a Chiffchaff were at Southwell. Elsewhere, a Goldcrest was the first for a while at Pennsylvania Castle (...has anyone seen a Firecrest anywhere on Portland this winter? - if not, has there ever been winter without one?) and 3 Bar-tailed Godwits reappeared at Ferrybridge where there was also a Great Northern Diver.
The Merlin at the Bill © Martin Cade...
9th January
Another very small cold weather arrival today with singles of Lapwing, Golden Plover and Redwing new in at the Bill and several reports of extra Song Thrushes having dropped in. Blackcaps continued to consolidate in favourable private gardens, with 4 on the Verne Common Estate and 3 at Southwell; a Black Redstart was also still at the former and a Chiffchaff still at the latter. Other reports included the 2 Eider still off the Bill, 9 Purple Sandpipers still on the shore there, 2 Black Redstarts and a Merlin still at Barleycrates Lane, the Rosy Starling still at Easton and totals of 143 Dunlin and 36 Ringed Plovers at Ferrybridge.
Blackcap and Song Thrush at Southwell © Debby Saunders:
8th January
With it being a quiet period and most people not venturing far reports are getting fewer by the day. Today's only news was of 8 Common Scoter and 5 Red-throated Divers through off the Bill, a Chiffchaff still at the Bill, 3 Black Redstarts at Barleycrates Lane, the Rosy Starling at Easton and 6 Black-necked Grebes in Portland harbour.
7th January
After a clear night during which the wind dropped to nothing dawn saw the sharpest frost of the winter to date; however, once a little early murkiness had dissipated it was a gloriously sunny and pleasant day - in fact, too nice not to get on with outdoor jobs rather than waste too much time birding. What little fieldwork there was uncovered an increase to 4 Blackcaps in a garden at Sweethill, a Black Redstart still at the Bill with another 2 still at Barleycrates Lane, the Rosy Starling still at Easton and 7 Black-necked Grebes and 2 Black-throated Divers still in Portland Harbour.
6th January
With the latest lockdown kicking in coverage was more limited today. The Rosy Starling was still at Easton, 3 Black Redstarts and a Merlin were at Barleycrates Lane, 5 Purple Sandpipers and another Black Redstart were at the Bill and 5 Pale-bellied Brent Geese passed by off the Bill.
This Black Redstart spent the best part of the day in and around the Obs car park © Martin Cade:
5th January
Bar a couple of Redwings that dropped in at Southwell today's selection consisted just of a few of the known winterers: the Rosy Starling at Easton, a Black Redstart and a Chiffchaff at the Bill, 2 more Chiffchaffs, 2 Blackcaps and a Grey Heron at Southwell, another Black Redstart at Osprey Quay, a Knot at Ferrybridge and the Red-necked Grebe in Portland Harbour.
Redwing and Grey Heron at Southwell © Pete Saunders...
4th January
A Red Kite that crossed the island during the afternoon before heading away towards the mainland was a surprise mid-winter oddity today; 4 Knot at Ferrybridge were also an addition to the year-list, albeit a rather less unexpected one, whilst 9 Redwings watched flying in off the sea at the Bill were new arrivals. The remainder of the day's tally consisted of a few of the regulars: the Rosy Starling at Easton, a Black Redstart at Blacknor, a Blackcap at the Grove, 7 Purple Sandpipers at the Bill, 8 Common Scoter 2 Eider and a Great Skua lingering off the Bill and a single Red-throated Diver passing by offshore.
As they usually do, the Red Kite provoked consternation amongst the local inhabitants as it meandered across the middle of the island. In days of yore, well before the introduction projects kicked in and when Red Kite was hardly more than a vagrant at Portland, there was the occasional mid-winter record here although it wasn't established whether these reports related to strays from Wales or the Continent © Martin Cade:
3rd January
Quiet again today, with a raw northeasterly compounding the misery for anyone tempted to stay out too long in the vain hope of reward. The Rosy Starling remained at Easton, single Blackcaps were in gardens at the Grove and on the Verne Common Estate - with a Black Redstart also visiting the latter - 13 Common Scoter and 10 Red-throated Divers passed through off the Bill and the 3 Redpolls were still at the Bill.
The 3 (Lesser) Redpolls are the first that have ever attempted to overwinter at the Bill - two of them are the individuals that turned up with the Arctic Redpoll back in mid-November; they look to be sustaining themselves mainly on the tiny seeds of whatever the goosefoot species is that springs up prolifically in our maize patches at the Bill (we used to think it's Fat Hen and have now forgotten what we've been told is in fact its correct identity) © Martin Cade:
2nd January
Still cold but nowhere near as frosty as the last couple of days so it back to mid-winter mediocrity on the birding front. The one positive was the appearance for the year list of the Rosy Starling that was Blacknor first thing in the morning before returning to its well-provisioned garden at Easton. The only other reports were singles of Blackcap and Chiffchaff at Southwell, 6 Purple Sandpipers, 3 Redpolls and a Merlin at the Bill and 6 Red-throated Divers through on the sea at the Bill.
Sparrowhawk at Southwell today © Pete Saunders:
1st January
A very raw dawn saw a below zero reading on the thermometer at the Obs - did we actually have any below zero dawns last year? - and it was soon apparent that a few birds had responded to what was no doubt an even sharper overnight freeze on the mainland: 9 Golden Plovers and singles of Snipe and Redwing were at the Bill, where 4 Gadwall and a Red-breasted Merganser passed by on the sea; further new wild wildfowl included 2 each of Wigeon and Pintail, and a lone Teal off Chesil, whilst a Great White Egret passed by distantly off Church Ope Cove. Later scrutiny of last night's nocmig recording (from mid-evening until dawn) revealed loggings of 30 Redwing calls, a group of Lapwings and singles of Snipe and Skylark overhead at the Obs - how many of these birds were on the move due to the cold or because of disturbance by fireworks is maybe open to question! Besides these newcomers there were quite decent pickings to be had amongst the longer-stayers/winter regulars: 8 Red-throated Divers passed through off the Bill where the 2 Eider and single Great Skua were again lingering; 10 Purple Sandpipers, the 3 Redpolls, the Merlin and one of the Black Redstarts were logged on the land there. Singles of Blackcap and Chiffchaff were still at Southwell, Portland Harbour's tally included 11 Black-necked Grebes, 4 Great Northern Divers and singles of Black-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe and Common Scoter, with a Black Redstart still about at Portland Castle.
No guesses what time this Redwing passed over at the Obs:
Kingfishers have been reported pretty regularly just lately around the shore of Portland Harbour - there probably aren't any more than usual but they do seem to be a little bit more visible than they often are © Debby Saunders: