30th |
Whilst there was little sign of an
upsurge in common migrant numbers, the appearance at Weston of a Rose-coloured
Starling - albeit only briefly early in the morning - at least
gave some hope that the recent barren spell for rarities might be
coming to an end. Grounded migrants were at much the same level as
recent days, and once the early drizzle and cloud had cleared there
were again good numbers of birds passing overhead; the only scarcer
migrants reported were one or more Ring Ouzels in the Church
Ope Cove area. At sea there were encouraging signs of some decent
down-Channel movement for the first time for several weeks, with 90 Common
Scoter, 11 Great and 10 Arctic Skuas (as well as
several more distant unidentified skuas) and a constant
trickle of Kittiwakes passing the Bill through the day. |
29th |
Still not a lot to report despite
promising-looking overcast skies and light showers around dawn. Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests were again the only
migrants that were at all conspicuous on the ground, with a Firecrest
at Barleycrates Lane and a Ring Ouzel at Avalanche Road the
limit of the scarcer migrant interest. In spite of the heavy cloud
cover there were plenty of migrants on the move overhead, with a 75
minute sample count at the Bill in the morning producing 520 Meadow
Pipits, 275 Linnets, 250 Swallows, 173 alba
wagtails, 40 Goldfinches, 12 Skylarks, 3 Grey
Wagtails and 2 Yellow Wagtails leaving to the south. Sea
interest was restricted to 46 Common Scoter passing the Bill. |
28th |
Interest dwindled still further
today. Diurnal migrants were still on the move in small numbers,
with a one hour count at the Bill in the morning producing totals of
275 Swallows, 240 Meadow Pipits, 215 Linnets,
139 alba wagtails, 48 Goldfinches, 9 Skylarks,
4 Grey Wagtails, 2 Yellow Wagtails and a Chaffinch flying
south, but once again virtually the only grounded birds were a
sprinkle of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests
everywhere; a single Ring Ouzel at Avalanche Road was the
only scarcer migrant found. Seawatching at the Bill produced 13 Common
Scoter, a Brent Goose and an Arctic Skua. |
27th |
A much more pleasant day than the
weather forecast suggested but, Swallows aside, common migrants were
still in short supply. An hour-long sample count of visible passage
at the Bill early in the morning provided totals of 200 Linnets,
155 alba wagtails, 130 Meadow Pipits, 62 Goldfinches,
20 Skylarks, 3 Chaffinches, 2 Grey Wagtails and
a Golden Plover on the move and as the day went on Swallows
got going in quantity, with more than 3000 passing through at the
Bill. Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests were present in small
numbers everywhere, but most other grounded migrants were reduced to
just odd singles here and there. The sea produced 22 Common
Scoter, a Great Skua and an Arctic Tern off the
Bill, whilst waders at Ferrybridge included 93 Ringed Plover,
51 Dunlin and a Knot. |
26th |
Quite disappointing today with lower
numbers of common migrants than in the last couple of days and
nothing much in the way of oddities. Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests again dominated on the land, with the Bill
area not really producing anything much scarcer than the first 2 Siskins
of the autumn and singles of Purple
Sandpiper, Redstart, Reed Warbler and Lesser
Whitethroat. Seawatching there produced 45 Common Scoter,
2 Gadwall and single Sooty and Balearic Shearwaters. Elsewhere
around the island there was a Merlin at Verne Common, a Knot
at Ferrybridge and an Arctic Tern at Chesil Cove. |
25th |
A much better day than most this
month although a good deal quieter than yesterday, with visible passage all
but ceasing as cloud increased from the north and rain eventually
set in. The Bill area held 60 Chiffchaffs, 50 Goldcrests,
15 Blackcaps and a sprinkle of other common migrants;
scarcities there included a Hen Harrier in Top Fields, a Merlin,
a Cuckoo and a fly-over Lapland Bunting. Southwell
held comparable numbers of Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests,
along with a Turtle Dove and a Ring Ouzel, whilst
elsewhere there were single Ring Ouzels at East Weare and
Cheyne Weare, and 2 Knot, a Merlin, a Curlew Sandpiper
and the first 2 Brent Geese of the autumn at Ferrybridge. Sea
passage picked up a little with 74 Common Scoter, 5 Golden
Plovers, 4 Arctic and 2 Great Skuas, a Manx
and a Balearic Shearwater, a Teal, an Eider, a Little
Gull and a Puffin passing the Bill. |
24th |
After the recent prolonged lean spell normal
service was well and truly resumed today with a good arrival of
grounded common migrants and plenty of passage overhead. At the Bill
counts of grounded migrants included 150 Chiffchaffs, 50 Goldcrests
and 35 Blackcaps, with oddities there including a Merlin
and a Firecrest. There were a lot more birds passing straight
through, with a two and a half hour count on the West Cliffs
producing totals including 3280 Meadow Pipits, 485 House
Martins, 440 Swallows, 280 Linnets, 108 alba
wagtails, 48 Skylarks, 6 Snipe and 2 Golden
Plovers (all moving north into the brisk northerly wind); as the
morning went on Meadow Pipits largely petered out but hirundines
increased and continued moving until late in the day. There were
plenty of birds scattered elsewhere around the island but the only
oddities discovered were a Ring Ouzel at Easton and 4 Knot,
a Little Stint and a Mediterranean Gull at Ferrybridge. In an offshore
wind the sea was again quiet, with 25 Common Scoter and a
lone Great Skua the best of the sightings off the Bill. |
23rd |
Still precious little to report although a
gradual improvement in the weather through the day gave some promise
that migrants might soon get moving again. Heavily overcast skies
during the morning put a stop to the bulk of visible passage and it
was left to the land to provide some interest in the form of a light
scatter of grounded migrants. At the Bill new arrivals were
distinctly limited, with most of the notable sightings being of
birds that have lingered around for several days; the best were 2 Firecrests,
a Merlin, a Lesser Whitethroat and a Garden Warbler.
Elsewhere there was a distinct late autumn feel to the birding, with
the still leafy sheltered spots around Easton and Wakeham beginning
to attract small parties of Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests.
The sea produced nothing more than a trickle of auks passing
the Bill. |
22nd |
Very little change today with the stiff north-westerlies
showing no sign of abating. Visible passage again dominated at the
Bill, with another 75 minute sample count on the East Cliffs early
in the morning producing totals of 455 Meadow
Pipits, 145 Swallows, 152 Linnets, 44 alba
wagtails, 28 Goldfinches, 12 Skylarks, 4 Grey
Wagtails and 1 Yellow Wagtail. The total of just 2 birds
- a Blackcap and a Chiffchaff - trapped and ringed at
the Obs all day was an entirely accurate reflection of the lack of
grounded migrants on the land (the ringing total for the month at
the Obs stands at a woeful 178 so the lack of birds today was
nothing new). The only faintly interesting new arrival elsewhere at
the Bill was a Lesser Whitethroat (only the second individual
recorded there this autumn) in the Obs Quarry. Seawatching at the
Bill produced evidence of the customary gradual increase in auk
numbers at this time of year, but otherwise the only movement past
there was of 1 Manx Shearwater, 1 Common Scoter, 1 Arctic
Skua and 1 Great Skua. |
Firecrest - Portland Bill, September
21st 2004 © Martin Cade |
21st |
All the movement today was overhead, with a
strong passage of visible migrants throughout the morning; a sample
75 minute count at the Bill soon after dawn produced totals of 555 Meadow
Pipits, 423 Swallows, 183 Linnets, 45 alba
wagtails, 36 Goldfinches, 16 Skylarks, 5 Grey
Wagtails, 2 Sand Martins, 2 Wheatears and a Dunlin.
On the ground it remained very quiet, with nothing much more
interesting at the Bill than a Garden Warbler and a Firecrest.
With the wind having veered to the north-west the already quiet sea
completely died a death, with 3 passing Sandwich Terns the
only sightings of any note off the Bill. |
Grey Phalarope - Chesil Cove,
September 20th 2004 © Martin Cade |
20th |
Seawatching was once again the order of the day
in really quite stormy conditions. Chesil Cove provided the
highlight with a Grey Phalarope that lingered for most of
the day but there was otherwise precious little on the move either
there or at the Bill, with the latter producing just 3 Arctic
Terns, 2 Red-throated Divers, 2 Great
Skuas, 1 Sandwich Tern and single Manx and Sooty
Shearwaters. The first Ring Ouzel of the autumn was
reported at Pennsylvania Castle but the only other interest on the
land concerned the surprisingly good numbers of hirundines
that were passing through at the Bill. |
Purple Sandpiper - Portland Bill, September
16th 2004 © Peter Basterfield |
19th |
Lots more weekend birders scouring
the island today but extremely little to show for all the effort.
With a stiff breeze blowing and clear skies overhead there were fair
numbers of hirundines, Meadow Pipits and Grey
Wagtails on the move overhead but grounded migrants were at a
premium; the best the Bill area could muster were 3 Reed Warblers,
a Merlin, a Purple Sandpiper, a Tree Pipit, a Whinchat,
a Goldcrest and a Firecrest. Yesterday's flurry of
interest on the sea proved to be very short-lived, with not a single
seabird worth recording logged today. |
more birders than birds - Portland Bill,
September 18th 2004 © Martin Cade |
18th |
Another seawatching day, with the
influx of weekend birders ensuring that the Bill in particular was
extremely well covered. Ironically, the pick of the sightings came
from the lone observer working Chesil Cove who was rewarded with a Sabine's
Gull that flew south early in the morning. Off the Bill the
presence for the first time for several weeks of a decent-sized
fishing flock of Gannets and gulls certainly served to
lure in the few passing seabirds, with totals during the morning
there of at least 7 Common Scoter, 6 Manx, 6 Balearic
and 4 Sooty Shearwaters, 7 commic, 6 Sandwich
and an Arctic Tern, 4 Arctic Skuas and a handful of Kittiwakes
and auks. The only reports from the land were of a Blackcap,
a Firecrest and a Chaffinch at the Bill and 10 Sandwich
Terns, 2 Knot, a Merlin, a Sanderling and a Curlew Sandpiper at Ferrybridge. |
Sooty Shearwater - Portland Bill,
September 17th 2004 © Martin Cade |
17th |
Strong onshore winds, frequent heavy
showers and constant reduced visibility provided seemingly perfect
seawatching conditions today. In the event the dismal numbers of
even the commonest species passing the Bill - where day-totals
included 12 Common Scoter, 8 Manx and 5 Sooty
Shearwaters, 3 Arctic Skuas, 3 Razorbills, 2 Kittiwakes,
2 Guillemots and 1 commic tern - provided ample
evidence of the continuing lack of down-Channel movement at the
moment. The only report from the land was of a Firecrest
still in the Obs garden. |
Meadow Pipit - Portland Bill, September
16th 2004 © Martin Cade |
16th |
Passage doesn't seem to be getting
beyond a 'just ticking over' level at the moment, with
decent-looking conditions today not really producing much on the
move overhead, grounded on the land or passing on the sea. Yet
another large raptor - this time an Osprey over Ferrybridge
during the morning - provided the only rarity interest, an early
pulse of hirundines, wagtails and pipits
overhead had largely fizzled out by mid-morning and searches of the
Bill area revealed a Merlin and a Firecrest but
nothing in the way of commoner migrants grounded in any numbers.
Seawatchers at the Bill logged just 29 Common Scoter, 3 Sandwich
Terns, a Red-throated Diver and a Sooty Shearwater. |
15th |
Raptors have been well represented
lately and today produced another Honey Buzzard to add to the
tally; this individual arrived from the east over Southwell during
the morning, from where it quickly left to the north up the West
Cliffs. Much fairer weather saw common migrants get moving again in
some quantity, with hirundines, wagtails and Meadow
Pipits conspicuous overhead throughout the morning. The
sprinkle of birds grounded in the Bill area included 70 Wheatears,
30 Chiffchaffs and 25 White Wagtails, but the only
scarcer migrant discovered was a single Grasshopper Warbler
trapped at the Obs. The first passing Red-throated Diver of
the autumn was the only sighting of note on the sea at the Bill. |
14th |
Another day of strong westerly winds
and occasional heavy showers. An Osprey passed overhead at
Chesil Cove early in the afternoon, but otherwise birding on the
land was hard work and very unrewarding with the Bill area producing
just 15 Wheatears, 6 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Turnstones,
2 Chiffchaffs, a Merlin, a Sedge Warbler and a Pied
Flycatcher. The sea remained as quiet as in recent days, with 2 Common
Scoter, a Manx Shearwater, a Storm Petrel and a Great
Skua the only worthwhile sightings at the Bill. |
13th |
No change in the weather and no
change in the pretty dire migrant situation. A couple of Pied
Flycatchers and a Firecrest lingered on at the Bill where
a trickle of hirundines passing through were just about the
only evidence of fresh movement. Seawatching at the Bill came up
with nothing more than 10 Common Scoter and a Great Skua,
whilst waders at Ferrybridge included a Knot and a Curlew
Sandpiper. |
12th |
Increasingly unsettled conditions have seen
passage on the land all but grind to a halt, with a single Grasshopper
Warbler the only new arrival trapped and ringed at the Obs.
Long-stayers still around included a couple of Pied Flycatchers
and a Firecrest in the Bill area, where there were otherwise
just ones and twos of a handful of other common migrants. The
evidence of recent days would suggest that there are currently
precious few seabirds in the English Channel: promising-looking
conditions and plenty of watching today saw a grand total of just 2 Common
Scoter, 2 Guillemots and single Manx and Balearic
Shearwaters logged
at the Bill. |
11th |
Lean times on the island at the moment, with
nothing in numbers on land or sea. An Osprey left to the
south from the Bill during the morning and a Pied
Flycatcher and a Firecrest were the pick of the few
grounded migrants there. With the wind gusting up to gale force
there was some expectation that interest would increase on the sea,
but in the event the only movement was of 6 Great Skuas off
the Bill. |
10th |
The much-anticipated change in the weather duly
arrived but the thundery showers that passed through before dawn
dropped nothing much more than a minor flurry of new common
migrants. A crack-of-dawn Ortolan Bunting at Barleycrates
Lane was the only rarity found, whilst common migrant totals from
the Bill area included 200 Wheatears, 50 Yellow Wagtails,
20 Willow Warblers, 20 Chiffchaffs, 14 Whinchats, 10 Grey
Wagtails, 7 Pied Flycatchers, 6 Blackcaps, 5 Tree
Pipits, 5 Spotted Flycatchers, 4 Sedge
Warblers and 2 Firecrests. Ferrybridge was again worth
attention, producing counts of 370 Dunlin, 9 Little Egrets,
a Shoveler and a Curlew Sandpiper, but despite the
freshening wind seawatching at the Bill was all but a dead-loss with
only 9 Common Scoter, 2 Teal, a Sooty Shearwater,
a Mallard and an Arctic Skua reported. |
Red-necked Grebe and Marsh Harrier
- Portland Bill, September
9th 2004 © Graham Raine (top) and Martin Cade (bottom two) |
9th |
A Red-necked Grebe that showed up close
inshore off Pulpit Rock at the Bill in the evening was an unexpected
bird of the day. Earlier, Marsh Harriers again figured,
with one over the Bill early in the morning and another two flying
south down the island at midday, whilst an Osprey flew over
Ferrybridge during the afternoon. Wheatears continued to
dominate on the ground, with more than 200 in the Bill area alone. A
Merlin, a Firecrest and a Pied Flycatcher were
among the handful of other migrants at the Bill, where 3 Shelduck
and a Great Skua passed through on the sea. |
Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler - Portland Bill, September
8th 2004 © Martin Cade |
8th |
For the most part another remarkably quiet day
with the brisk easterly wind failing to produce anything in the way
of scarcer migrants. A significant increase in wader numbers at
Ferrybridge included counts of 400 Dunlin, 300 Ringed
Plover, 6 Knot and a Curlew Sandpiper (along with
the unexpected sight of a Shoveler settled on the shore), but
the only birds grounded in any quantity elsewhere were Wheatears
- sample counts of which included 172 at the Bill. The very low
numbers of other migrants at the Bill included 21 Golden Plovers,
2 Pied Flycatchers, a Hobby, a Redshank, a Grasshopper
Warbler and a Firecrest. Seawatching at the Bill came
up with 4 Great and an Arctic Skua but little else of
interest. |
Marsh Harrier - Portland Bill, September
7th 2004 © Martin Cade |
7th |
Marsh Harrier seems to be bird of the
moment at the Bill, where 3 more passed through during the course of
the morning. It otherwise remained surprisingly quiet everywhere
with nothing other than hirundines moving overhead in any
quantity and only Wheatears grounded in anything more than
single figure totals; oddities around the Bill area included a
couple of Grey Herons and a Hobby passing overhead.
Ferrybridge provided a Merlin, a Grey Plover, a Knot
and a Mediterranean Gull, whilst 4 Great Skuas and a Pintail
were the pick of sea passage off the Bill. |
Marsh Harrier - Portland Bill, September
6th 2004 © Martin Cade |
6th |
The weather might still be scorching
but the birding is struggling to be anything more than tepid. A
fly-over Marsh Harrier at the Bill early in the afternoon was
bird of the day but otherwise there was again nothing better on
offer amongst the light sprinkle of common migrants there than 2 Snipe,
a Whimbrel and a Turtle Dove. Five Great Skuas,
a Balearic Shearwater and a Mediterranean Gull passed
through on the sea at the Bill. Yesterday's report of falling wader
numbers at Ferrybridge proved to be unduly pessimistic as there were
counts there today of 167 Dunlin, 157 Ringed Plovers,
a Knot and the first Curlew Sandpiper of the autumn. |
5th |
has well and truly returned with the recent spell of sunny days and
increasingly high temperatures continuing. With an easterly breeze
having sprung up overnight there were high hopes of a few rarities
putting in an appearance but in the event the only sighting of note
was of an Osprey flying south over Weston during the evening. Hirundines
and Yellow Wagtails were on the move overhead in good numbers
early in the morning but grounded migrants were few and far between,
with the best being 3 Snipe, 2 Turtle Doves and a Whimbrel
at the Bill, a Hobby over Southwell and another Turtle Dove
at Reap Lane. Seawatching at the Bill produced 26 Mallard, 12 Common
Scoter and 3 Balearic Shearwaters. Wader numbers seem to be
dropping off at Ferrybridge where 3 Knot and a Bar-tailed
Godwit were the only variety amongst small numbers of Dunlin
and Ringed Plovers. |
White Wagtail -
Portland Bill, September 3rd 2004 © Martin Cade
4th |
rather mobile Ortolan Bunting that appeared several times
between the Coastguard Cottages and Culverwell during the morning had
seemed likely to be bird of day today until the evening produced a
sighting of a real island rarity in the form of a Goshawk that
flew west over Top Fields at the Bill. Common migrants were still in
short supply everywhere, with hirundines and flava
and alba wagtails the only birds that were at all
numerous; scarcer species included a Merlin, a Turtle Dove
and a Pied Flycatcher at the Bill. The sea was just as quiet,
with 16 Common Scoter and a Great Skua the only birds of
note off the Bill. |
Shrike - Avalanche Road, September 3rd 2004 © Martin Cade
3rd |
no great numbers of common migrants but scarcer species continue to
arrive. The Tawny Pipit at Southwell had moved on but nearby a Red-backed
Shrike was a new arrival at Avalanche Road; elsewhere an Ortolan
Bunting was seen near the Windmill Stables at Easton, a Marsh
Harrier flew south over Reap Lane and a Short-eared Owl
at Southwell and a Firecrest at Weston were both first records
for the autumn. Most of the expected commoner migrants could be found
with some perseverance, although the only worthwhile counts were of 50
Wheatears, 40 Yellow Wagtails, 15 White Wagtails,
15 Whinchats and 10 Tree Pipits at the Bill. The sea
provided nothing more noteworthy than 2 Great Skuas passing the
Bill. |
Tawny Pipit -
Southwell, September 2nd 2004 © Martin Cade
2nd |
very fine weather and a few more good birds today, with the Tawny
Pipit remaining at Southwell, an Ortolan Bunting passing
over Top Fields at the Bill and a Hen Harrier flying north from
the Bill to Portland Harbour. Commoner migrants - with the
conspicuous exception of hirundines - were again only thinly
spread, with 3 Pied Flycatchers, a Little Egret, a Knot,
a Redshank and a Golden Plover about the best the Bill
area could offer. A single Great Skua was the only bird of note
on the sea at the Bill. |
Tawny Pipit
and Honey Buzzard - Southwell and Portland Bill, September 1st
2004 © Martin Cade
1st |
With the light breeze having swung into
the south-east overnight there was certainly the promise of scarcer
migrants in the air today. Fortunately it didn't take long for
the promise to be realized with a Tawny Pipit being found early
in the morning in fields beside the Eight Kings Quarry at Southwell;
the bird remained there on and off throughout the day, whilst
mid-afternoon saw a Honey Buzzard arrive from the north over
Fortuneswell and eventually leave to the south-east high over the Obs.
Commoner migrants were surprisingly thin on the ground, but did
include plenty of hirundines, a Merlin and a Greenshank
overhead and more than 80 Yellow Wagtails and 5 Pied
Flycatchers in the Bill area. The sea produced 31 Common Scoter,
2 Great Skuas and an Arctic Skua passing the Bill. |