31st |
return of milder, wet and windy weather saw the year end quietly. The Surf
Scoter showed very well off the Oil Tanks at Portland Harbour, but
the only other bird of note was a single Red-throated Diver off
the Bill. |
30th |
chilly spell continued, and cold weather movement included 50 Song
Thrushes, 36 Golden Plovers, 5 Lapwings and a Snipe
at the Bill. A Water Rail at the Obs. Quarry was also a new
arrival (additional to 2 wintering birds at Culverwell). Portland
Harbour remained productive: the Surf Scoter showed well off
the Oil Tanks, and the variety of divers and grebes
included a high count of 13 Black-necked Grebes. |
29th |
again there was a little cold weather movement, with the Bill area
producing 130 Golden Plovers, 12 Lapwings and a few thrushes.
There was no unexpected sea passage, with watches from the Bill
producing just 16 more Red-throated Divers. The immature Surf
Scoter reappeared in Portland Harbour, where it showed well off
the Oil Tanks; also there were a selection of divers and grebes,
and 2 Eider. |
28th |
much of the rest of the country having had snowfall overnight more
cold weather movement was expected, but in the event very little
materialised. At the Bill there were 12 Redwings and a Snipe,
as well as a few more Song Thrushes than usual, and in the
afternoon a Little Egret arrived from the south. The Firecrest
was still at the Obs, and another was found in gardens at
Southwell; there were also Black Redstarts at several sites,
and 5 Purple Sandpipers at the Bill. Seawatching from the Bill
produced just 8 Red-throated Divers, and the regular flock of
25 Common Scoter. There were again plenty of divers
and grebes in Portland Harbour, but no sign of the Surf
Scoter. |
27th |
the cold spell continuing there was a hint of movement of displaced
birds: the Bill area produced 37 Golden Plovers and single Brent
Goose, Lapwing, Redwing and Fieldfare, as
well as increased numbers of Blackbirds and Song Thrushes.
Off the Bill,19 Red-throated and a single Great Northern
Diver passed during the morning, and the 20 wintering Common
Scoter were still present. The Firecrest again roosted in
the Obs garden. |
26th |
raw north-east wind had increased overnight and made birding
difficult. Lesser Black-backed Gulls continued to move in good
numbers: 850 passed east or north at the Bill, and there were small
flocks of grounded birds at several sites. Passage off the Bill also
included 100 Black-headed Gulls, 10 Lapwings, 3 Red-throated
Divers, 3 Brent Geese and a Curlew. Elsewhere in the
area the were 2 Black Redstarts at Weston and another at
Southwell, and a Fieldfare over Weston. Portland Harbour
produced 10 Great Northern Divers, single Red-necked and
Slavonian Grebes, and a lone Shoveler, but the Surf
Scoter could not be found (its favoured haunts on the western edge
of the Harbour are no longer sheltered from the weather). |
25th |
bitter north-east wind and persistent drizzle ensured that most
birders stayed indoors to enjoy Christmas. At the Bill, the Firecrest
was still present in the Obs garden, and a single Red-throated
Diver passed the Bill. Lesser Black-backed Gulls were very
conspicuous everywhere: a steady tickle passed the Bill all day, and
there were several flocks of grounded birds including 102 at
Ferrybridge, and 25 at both the Air Station and the Bill. An adult Yellow-legged
Gull was with the Lesser Black-backed Gulls at Ferrybridge. |
24th |
immature Surf Scoter in Portland Harbour was again the
highlight. At the Bill there were single Golden Plover and Redwing
on the land, and a Black-throated Diver and a Teal passed
on the sea. |
23rd |
arrival of the weekend saw more birders in the field and a little more
reported from the area. Portland Harbour still held the Surf Scoter,
that showed well off Ferrybridge; also there were plenty of grebes
and divers, including both Black-necked and Red-necked
Grebe off the Oil Tanks, and 2 Eider. Two Avocets
showed-up amongst the gulls at Ferrybridge for a while during the
morning. Off the Bill there were 11 Red-throated Divers, 5 Shoveler,
and the wintering flock of 25 Common Scoter, as well as a
couple of Lapwings arriving in-off the sea, and 9 Purple
Sandpipers on the rocks near the lighthouse. The Firecrest
was still at the Obs, and there was a Black Redstart at Reap
Lane. |
22nd |
Surf Scoter remained in Portland Harbour, but it was otherwise
an extremely quiet day, with the only other bird of note being the Firecrest
in the Obs garden. |
21st |
dreary, grey day that saw little birding activity. A lone Woodcock
was an unexpected visitor to the Top Fields at the Bill, but otherwise
the only noteworthy birds reported were the Firecrest at the
Obs, and 3 Purple Sandpipers on the rocks at the Bill. |
20th |
surprise today was the reappearance of the immature Surf Scoter
in Portland Harbour, where it showed well off Ferrybridge in the
morning (evidently it has spent the last three days just inside the
Fleet, near the Bridging Camp at Wyke Regis). The Island otherwise
remained quiet, with just single Red- and Black-throated
Divers passing the Bill, a couple of Black Redstarts along
the East Cliffs at the Bill, and the wintering Firecrest still
at the Obs. |
19th |
of the same today. The Firecrest was still at the Obs, and 4 Little
Gulls and 3 Red-throated Divers passed the Bill. Portland
Harbour produced several Great Northern and a Black-throated
Diver, and 2 Eider. |
18th |
quiet day everywhere. At the Bill, the Firecrest at still at
the Obs, where there was also a single Black Redstart; the
wintering group of Common Scoters were offshore, and 11 Red-throated
Divers passed during the afternoon. Portland Harbour produced just
a few grebes and divers, and 2 Eider. |
17th |
good conditions and plenty of searching, the Surf Scoter could
not be found in Portland Harbour. A Little Auk spent part of
the morning in Chesil Cove, and later the same or another was seen
flying past the Bill. Seawatching at the Bill also produced 31 Red-throated,
2 Black-throated and 3 unidentified Divers, and a single
Shoveler. At least 1 Long-eared Owl was seen at Verne
Common in the afternoon. |
16th |
surprisingly productive day. The immature Surf Scoter remained
in Portland Harbour, where it showed well off the Oil Tanks; also
there were a good selection of divers and grebes, and 2 Eider,
as well as a Little Auk that has apparently been present there
for the last 3 days. A further 7 Eider and a Red-necked
Grebe were in Chesil Cove. Diver passage continued off the
Bill, where 22 Red-throated and a Black-throated Diver
passed during the day; also off the the Bill were 7 Eider, a Brent
Goose, an Arctic Skua, a Mediterranean Gull, and the
25 wintering Common Scoter. On the land at the Bill there were
single Redwing, Reed Bunting and Corn Bunting.
Belated news received today is that at least 2 over-wintering Long-eared
Owls have returned to Verne Common, where they have been seen at
roost in the thick scrub near the Royal Naval Cemetery on several
recent days. |
15th |
migrants were again a feature today. The best were a Swallow
and a Blackcap at the Bill, where there were also several new Blackbirds
and Song Thrushes, 5 Siskins, a Black Redstart and
a Merlin. The wintering Firecrest was still at the Obs.
Off the Bill there was a good movement of 21 Red-throated Divers,
along with 5 Little Gulls. |
14th |
big improvement in the weather allowed a few tardy finches to head for
the Continent: at the Bill, 60 Goldfinches, 25 Linnets
and 20 Greenfinches left to south during the morning. Both the Firecrest
at the Obs, and the flock of 25 Common Scoter off the Bill were
still present. The sheltered waters of Portland Harbour remained busy;
the immature Surf Scoter was off the Oil Tanks in the morning,
and there were at least 12 Great Northern Divers, 3 Slavonian
Grebes and 3 Eider present. |
13th |
return of stormy weather produced a Leach's Petrel in Portland
Harbour and a Little Auk in Chesil Cove, but just a single Great
Northern Diver off the Bill. There was still a good selection of divers
and grebes in Portland Harbour, including 6 Great Northern
Divers and a Red-necked Grebe. The wintering Firecrest
was again in the Obs garden. |
12th |
truly dismal day, with rain from dawn until dusk. The only noteworthy
bird reported was the wintering Firecrest in the Obs garden. |
11th |
dreary, wet weather the order of the day there was little birding
activity. The immature Surf Scoter remained in Portland Harbour
where it ranged between Ferrybridge and Sandsfoot Castle.
Seawatching produced 8 Little Gulls and a Little Auk at
Chesil Cove, and just a single Red-throated Diver and the
wintering flock of 30 Common Scoter off the Bill. |
10th |
immature Surf Scoter in Portland Harbour continued to show
during the morning at least, and there were still plenty of grebes
and divers there. A strengthening wind and frequent squally
showers kept interest going on the sea, with an exceptionally late
juvenile Sabine's Gull the highlight off the Bill (following an
earlier report of one over Portland Harbour). There were also 7 Little
Gulls, and 5 Red-throated and a Black-throated Diver
off the Bill. |
9th |
the disappointment of weekend visitors, the Hume's Yellow-browed
Warbler at the Obs was seen just once at dawn and could not be
found subsequently. The immature Surf Scoter remained in
Portland Harbour throughout the day, and there was again a single Sandwich
Tern and a good selection of divers and grebes
there. Little Gulls continued to be seen in small numbers, with
6 in Chesil Cove and another 4 off the Bill. |
8th |
Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler remained in the Obs garden all day
and showed more frequently than at any time during its stay. The Firecrest
was still at the Obs, and a Blackcap was a new arrival there.
Portland Harbour was very busy throughout the day: the immature Surf
Scoter showed well between the Oil Tanks and Sandsfoot Castle,
there were at least 12 Great Northern Divers, 3 Slavonian
and 2 Red-necked Grebes, and a Sandwich Tern seen, and
in the late afternoon a Leach's Petrel and an Arctic Skua
were reported. The sea was quiet at the Bill, but Chesil Cove produced
up to 8 lingering Little Gulls, a Great Skua and a
fly-by Grey Phalarope. |

Hume's Yellow-browed
Warbler - December 7th 2000
photo © Martin Cade
7th |
Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler was still in the Obs garden today
where it was trapped and ringed at dawn; atrocious weather conditions
hindered viewing throughout the rest of the day, but the bird
continued to show from time to time in the tree mallows outside the
bookshop. The wintering Firecrest was also still at the Obs,
and there was a new Chiffchaff at Southwell. The Surf Scoter
was seen again in Portland Harbour during the morning, but the weather
put paid to any observations in the afternoon. A lone Sandwich Tern
was at Ferrybridge at midday. |

Hume's Yellow-browed
Warbler - December 6th 2000
video-still © Charlie
6th |
day of plenty more action in what ought to be one of the quietest
times of year. The Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler in the Obs
garden was again the highlight although it remained frustratingly
elusive for long periods. A Firecrest was still present at the
Obs, and an exceptionally late Reed Warbler was trapped and
ringed there. A female/immature Surf Scoter was a new arrival
in Portland Harbour where it showed very well close inshore between
the Oil Tanks and Ferrybridge in the late afternoon. Seawatching at
the Bill produced 4 Red-throated Divers, 3 Eider, a Grey
Phalarope, a Great Skua and a Little Gull. |
5th |
Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler remained around the Obs garden all
day. It was generally very elusive in the blustery and wet weather,
but every hour or so showed well in the tree mallows outside the
bookshop. Seawatching at the Bill produced 4 Little Gulls, as
well as single Arctic and Great Skuas. Elsewhere there
were a couple of Goldcrests and a Chiffchaff at
Pennsylvania Castle, and 2 Great Northern Divers in Portland
Harbour. |
4th |
discovery of a Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler at the Obs caused
some unexpected excitement today. The bird was often very elusive but
showed well on several occasions through the afternoon in the tree
mallows outside the bookshop. The sea provided the rest of the
interest, with 4 Red-throated Divers, 3 Great and an Arctic
Skua, a Leach's Petrel and a Red-breasted Merganser
past the Bill, and 8 Little Gulls in Chesil Cove. |
3rd |
Island remained quiet, with the best birds being a couple of fly-by Velvet
Scoter off the Bill. The Pennsylvania Castle area still held a few
Goldcrests, 2 Blackcaps and 2 Chiffchaffs, and
the Firecrest showed occasionally at the Obs garden. |
2nd |
weather saw a few more birders in the field, but there was little
reward for their efforts. Aside from the wintering Firecrest,
the Bill produced just a Fieldfare and a trickle of late Goldfinches,
as well as the flock of 40 Common Scoter still offshore.
Portland Harbour held a couple of Great Northern Divers and a Slavonian
Grebe, there was a Black Redstart at Portland Castle, and
there were again 2 Sandwich Terns at Ferrybridge. |
1st |
was again a little passage off the Bill, with 9 Red-throated Divers,
3 Tufted Ducks and 2 Little Gulls, among fair numbers of
Fulmars, Kittiwakes and auks. The Bill area
produced just 7 Redwings and 3 Lapwings, and there were
still a few Goldcrests at Pennsylvania Castle. |