31st |
long-staying Wryneck remained at the Obs Quarry and a second
individual was found at Broadcroft butterfly reserve during the
afternoon. A good variety of common migrants were present around the
island but numbers were still on the low side, with only Yellow
Wagtails and Wheatears at all conspicuous. Scarcer species
included a Merlin, a Short-eared Owl and a Grasshopper
Warbler at the Bill. Three Knot and 2 Curlew Sandpipers
were still at Ferrybridge. |
Icterine Warbler -
Portland Bill, August 30th 2002 © Martin Cade
30th |
a night of dense fog, new arrivals were in very short supply and it
seems likely that the Icterine Warbler trapped and ringed early
in the morning at the Obs was the bird seen briefly yesterday at
Culverwell. The Wryneck at the Obs Quarry was also still
present, although at times it could be very elusive. Commoner species
around the Bill area included 25 Wheatears, 20 Yellow
Wagtails and ones and twos of most of the other expected species.
Seawatching promised much in blustery south-westerlies but produced
nothing more than 10 Common Scoter. |
29th |
Wryneck at the Obs Quarry continued to steal the show, although
an Icterine Warbler seen briefly in the morning at Culverwell
was the best of the new arrivals today. Among the commoner migrants
there was a flurry of 10 new Pied Flycatchers at the Bill,
where other counts included 80 Yellow Wagtails, 60 Wheatears,
12 Willow Warblers, 6 Spotted Flycatchers, 4 Lesser
Whitethroats and 3 Purple Sandpipers. Three Balearic
Shearwaters and an Arctic Skua were the only worthwhile
sightings off the Bill. |
28th |
Wryneck remained at the Obs Quarry all day but an Ortolan
Bunting seen at Barleycrates Lane at midday proved less obliging
and flew off north after the initial sighting. The first Short-eared
Owl of the autumn was a new arrival at the Bill, but common
migrants were still in below average numbers there. Elsewhere, 10 Crossbills
flew over at Verne Common and there were 4 Knot, 3 Sanderling
and 2 Curlew Sandpipers at Ferrybridge. |
Ortolan Bunting -
Southwell, August 27th 2002 © Pete and Debby Saunders
27th |
arrivals today were an Ortolan Bunting seen briefly when it
visited a garden pond at Southwell in the morning, and a road-casualty
Nightjar found moribund at Easton; the Wryneck remained
in the Obs Quarry all day. A Tawny Owl heard calling in the
early hours of the morning at Southwell was a good record for the
island. The dismal total of only 6 new birds trapped and ringed at the
Obs reflected the almost total lack of warblers and flycatchers
anywhere on the island; fortunately Wheatears, Yellow
Wagtails and Whinchats were still widely distributed in
good numbers. Two Balearic Shearwaters passed the Bill, whilst
waders at Ferrybridge included 5 Curlew Sandpipers, 3 Sanderling,
2 Knot, a Curlew and a Redshank. |

Bunting - Portland Bill and Knot - Ferrybridge, August 26th
2002 © John Hurst (top), Chris Trott (above left) and Chris Courtaux
(above right)
26th |
rarities continued to arrive but there was no great increase in common
migrant numbers, with only Wheatears, Whinchats and Yellow
Wagtails at all conspicuous. An Ortolan Bunting showed well
at Lloyds Cottage in the late afternoon, 2 Crossbills showed up
briefly at Suckthumb Quarry and the Wryneck is still at the Obs
Quarry all day. An Eider lingered off the Bill, whilst
seawatching there produced 2 Arctic Skuas, 2 Black Terns,
a Great Skua and a Balearic Shearwater. Two Curlew
Sandpipers, 2 Sanderling and a Knot were at
Ferrybridge. |
Wryneck -
Portland Bill, August 25th 2002 © Chris Trott
25th |
Wrynecks were new arrivals today at the Obs Quarry and at
Weston and a Honey Buzzard flew out to the sea from the Bill at
midday, but the flow of new grounded common migrants has fallen to
little more than a trickle. Wheatears and Yellow Wagtails
were still present in fair numbers but none of the other commoner
migrants even achieved double figure counts at the Bill. |
24th |
Not much change today, with Yellow Wagtails and Wheatears
continuing to dominate. The Bill area produced more than 80 of each,
along with 10 Pied Flycatchers and smaller numbers of most of
the other expected common migrants. Pied Flycatchers were
numerous elsewhere, with at least another 10 around Southwell, Easton
and Weston. Two Knot remained at the Bill, whilst at
Ferrybridge a Mediterranean Gull was a new arrival and the 2 Curlew
Sandpipers were still present. |
23rd |
Most of the migrant action again involved Yellow Wagtails, Wheatears,
Whinchats and the like, which were conspicuous in all the open
areas of the island; Swallows and Sand Martins also
passed through in numbers, but warblers and flycatchers
were few and far between in the trees and scrub. The Bill area
provided totals of 500 Swallows, 150 Sand Martins and 75
Yellow Wagtails, whilst oddities there included 2 Snipe,
2 Knot, a Hobby, a Turtle Dove, a Sanderling
and a Purple Sandpiper. Seawatching there remained very slow,
with just a trickle of Black-headed Gulls, 2 Tufted
Ducks and a Balearic Shearwater passing. Two Curlew Sandpipers
were at Ferrybridge in the morning. |
22nd |
No sign of the Woodchat Shrike today, and not too many new
common migrants about either. Wheatears still numbered about
100 at the Bill, but otherwise the only decent counts from there were
of 40 Yellow Wagtails and 10 Whinchats; a Blackcap
there was the first of the autumn, as was a Turtle Dove at
Weston. Seawatching at the Bill produced single Balearic and Sooty
Shearwaters, and a Great Skua, whilst 3 Knot and a Curlew
Sandpiper added to the variety of waders at Ferrybridge. |
Woodchat Shrike -
Portland Bill, August 21st 2002 © Martin Cade
21st |
A Woodchat Shrike was
a surprise new arrival today, although it proved to be very mobile and
elusive as it ranged around the Pulpit Inn/Obs/Strips area during the
afternoon. Common migrants were more numerous than yesterday, and
included a high count of 100 Wheatears at the Bill, where there
were also 4 Reed Warblers, 3 Pied Flycatchers, a Grasshopper
Warbler and the first Merlin of the autumn. A lone Balearic
Shearwater was the only bird of note on the sea at the Bill. |
Redstart -
Portland Bill, August 20th 2002 © Martin Cade
20th |
After a clear, moonlit night it was perhaps
predictable that the Melodious Warblers and the Booted
Warbler had moved on, and it was no great surprise that common
migrants were thin on the ground. Swifts and hirundines
remained conspicuous overhead, but among the grounded migrants only Yellow
Wagtails, Wheatears and Willow Warblers reached
double figures around the Bill. A couple of Arctic Skuas and a Mediterranean
Gull passed by on the sea, whilst a Little Stint was
another new arrival at Ferrybridge. |
19th |
Another excellent day, with the 2 Melodious
Warblers and the Booted Warbler still present at the Bill,
and the best arrival of common migrants so far this autumn. Willow
Warblers numbered around 300 at the Bill, where there also 75 Wheatears,
15 Spotted and 8 Pied Flycatchers, 10 Yellow Wagtails,
8 Sedge Warblers, 7 Garden Warblers, 4 Redstarts,
4 Whinchats, 3 Grey Herons and a Grasshopper Warbler.
Seawatching at the Bill provided 58 commic Terns, 3 Balearic
Shearwaters and 2 Arctic Skuas, whilst a Knot
was a new arrival among the waders at Ferrybridge. |
18th |
The Booted Warbler and 2 Melodious
Warblers remained at the Bill, but new arrivals were in short
supply everywhere. The pick of the commoner migrants were a couple of Pied
Flycatchers at the Bill, where Swifts and hirundines
were the only birds on the move in any numbers. Seawatches at the Bill
produced little more than 2 Arctic and a Pomarine Skua,
and another passing Mediterranean Gull. |
Icterine Warbler -
Portland Bill, August 17th 2002 © Andrew Slade
17th |
Plenty more action today, with the Booted Warbler
and 2 Melodious Warblers still present, a new Ortolan Bunting
seen for a while early in the morning in Top Fields, an Icterine
Warbler trapped and ringed at the Obs, and another fly-over Little
Egret at the Bill. There was a fair variety of common
migrants scattered around the island, but numbers were considerably
lower than of late, with no noteworthy counts logged at the Bill. Seawatching
was also again very unrewarding, with 5 Sanderling and a Mediterranean
Gull the only worthwhile sightings off the Bill. |
Booted Warbler -
Portland Bill, August 16th 2002 © Martin Cade
16th |
The Booted Warbler
was still present and showed on and off all day. Melodious Warblers
remained a feature in and around the Obs garden, where the 3 birds
present included a new individual that was trapped and ringed. A less
obliging new arrival was an Ortolan Bunting that was seen twice
early in the morning at Windmill Riding Stables, whilst a fly-over Spotted
Redshank at Suckthumb Quarry was a good island rarity. Common
migrant numbers increased, with totals around the Bill area including
200 Swifts, 100 Willow Warblers, 75 Sand Martins,
35 Wheatears, 12 Yellow Wagtails, 10 Tree Pipits,
4 Reed Warblers, 3 Sedge Warblers, 3 Garden Warblers,
3 Pied Flycatchers and 2 Lesser Whitethroats.
Seawatching at the Bill produced virtually nothing except 3
unseasonable Velvet Scoters. |
Aquatic Warbler and
Booted Warbler -
Portland Bill, August 15th 2002 © Martin Cade
15th |
The island hit the jackpot today, with
an exceptional arrival of rarities. The highlight was a Booted Warbler
found early
in the morning in the Hut Fields next to the Obs garden; it was trapped and
ringed there (biometry
and more
in-hand photos) and, although usually very elusive, it showed from time
to time through the afternoon and evening. At midday an Aquatic Warbler was found, and
also trapped and ringed (more in-hand photos), in Top Fields; it was not seen after release.
Finally, at least 2 new Melodious Warblers were seen in and around the Obs
garden, and 2 Little Egrets flew north over the Bill.
Surprisingly, commoner migrants were not at all numerous, with counts
from the Bill of just 18 Wheatears, 15 Willow Warblers,
6 Yellow Wagtails, 5 Garden Warblers, 4 Pied Flycatchers,
a Golden Plover, a Sedge Warbler and a Reed Warbler. |
Melodious Warbler -
Portland Bill, August 14th 2002 © Martin Cade
14th |
Another new Melodious Warbler
trapped and ringed at the Obs late in the afternoon was the highlight
today. This aside, common migrant numbers fell slightly, with totals
around the Bill of 40 Willow Warblers, 20 Wheatears,
5 Garden Warblers, 3 Pied Flycatchers, 2 Sedge
Warblers, a Yellow Wagtail and a Tree Pipit. Three Balearic
Shearwaters passed the Bill, and counts of waders at
Ferrybridge included 160 Dunlin and 154 Ringed Plovers. |
13th |
With the same few species continuing to
dominate, the only real change was in numbers today. Most of the
island was fairly quiet, but the Bill area produced 60 Willow
Warblers, 30 Wheatears, 5 Common Sandpipers, 5 Pied
Flycatchers, 4 Garden Warblers, 2 Tree Pipits
and a Yellow Wagtail. Seawatching there provided 15 Common
Scoter, 5 Teal, 3 Balearic Shearwaters and an Arctic
and a Great Skua. |
12th |
Meagre reward again today, with 50 Wheatears,
40 Willow Warblers, a Ringed Plover, a Pied
Flycatcher and a few Swifts and Sand Martins at the
Bill. A lone Curlew was the only oddity amongst the commoner
waders at Ferrybridge. |
11th |
Wheatears and Willow Warblers
remained the only really conspicuous migrants, with 40 of the former
and 50 of the latter at the Bill, where there were otherwise just 5 Common
Sandpipers, 3 Greenshank, 3 Tree Pipits, 2 Sedge
Warblers and a Pied Flycatcher. Despite the wind
strengthening as the day went on, the sea produced nothing more than
10 Common Scoter, an Arctic Skua and single Manx
and Balearic Shearwaters. |
10th |
Just a trickle of migrants on land and sea
today. The Bill area produced 50 Wheatears, 25 Willow
Warblers, 6 Sedge Warblers and smaller numbers of other
common species, whilst elsewhere there was a Marsh Harrier over
Chesil Cove and Ferrybridge, and a Grasshopper Warbler
at Reap Lane. Three Great and an Arctic Skua were the
pick of the few birds on the sea off the Bill. |
9th |
Interest picked up on the sea today as a slow
moving low pressure area passed through; light southerly winds
produced a steady trickle of birds in the morning, whilst late in the
afternoon there was another pulse of movement ahead of the wind
veering to the north and heavy rain setting in. Morning watches at the
Bill produced 48 Common Scoter, 17 commic and 2 Black
Terns, 6 Great and an Arctic Skua, and 3 Balearic
and 2 Sooty Shearwaters. Late afternoon passage was
mainly of Manx Shearwaters, which numbered over 300 off the
Bill, with otherwise just 3 more Balearic Shearwaters
and a lone Storm Petrel passing through there. Common migrants
were all but absent on the land, with just a handful of Willow
Warblers, a Grasshopper Warbler and a Pied Flycatcher
at the Bill. |
8th |
After a slow start, the arrival of
increasingly heavy cloud overhead dropped unexpected numbers of
migrants through the morning. Counts at the Bill included 120 Willow Warblers,
60 Wheatears, 8 Robins, 5 Pied Flycatchers, 4 Sedge Warblers,
3 Garden Warblers and 2 Whinchats; a flurry of waders,
including a Greenshank and a Wood Sandpiper, also
passed through. Heavy rain swept in during the afternoon and prevented
any serious birding elsewhere. |
Pied Flycatcher -
Portland Bill, August 7th 2002 © Martin Cade
7th |
Quieter today, with just 60 Willow Warblers,
40 Wheatears, 4 Pied Flycatchers, 3 Common Sandpipers,
2 Sedge Warblers, 2 Garden Warblers, a Whimbrel
and a Greenshank at the Bill. |
6th |
The combination of overcast skies and the new
moon period again produced plenty of birds, particularly at the Bill
where there were 150 Willow
Warblers, 30 Wheatears, 15 Sedge Warblers, 10 Garden
Warblers, 4 Pied and 2 Spotted Flycatchers, a Cuckoo
and a Yellow Wagtail; diurnal passage also picked up, with 150 Swallows,
100 Swifts and 100 Sand Martins passing through there.
The only oddities seen were a Green Sandpiper and a Yellow-legged
Gull at the Bill. |
5th |
Another small arrival of migrants produced
totals of 25 Willow
Warblers, 20 Wheatears, 8 Sedge Warblers, 3 Pied Flycatchers,
2 Garden Warblers, a Whinchat and a Grasshopper Warbler
at the Bill. The Mediterranean
Gull was still at Ferrybridge. |
Mediterranean Gull -
Ferrybridge, August 4th 2002 © Martin Cade
4th |
More of the same in the way of common
migrants, although numbers were generally lower than those logged
yesterday. Counts at the Bill included 50 Wheatears, 40 Willow
Warblers, 5 Sedge Warblers, 5 Garden Warblers
and 3 Pied Flycatchers, with oddities there including a Marsh
Harrier flying through early in the morning. A Balearic
Shearwater and 30 Common Scoter were the only seabirds of
note off the Bill, whilst elsewhere there was another Mediterranean
Gull at Ferrybridge. |
Warbler and Vitelline Masked
Weaver - Portland Bill, August 3rd 2002 © Martin Cade
3rd |
Rain in the night and muggy, overcast
weather by day did the trick and there was the first decent flurry of
common migrants of the autumn. At the Bill, totals included 100 Willow
Warblers, 25 Wheatears, 10 Garden Warblers, 8 Sedge
Warblers and smaller numbers of other species including the first
2 Spotted and single Pied Flycatchers. The Melodious
Warbler first trapped on 31st July was retrapped in the Obs garden
and later seen briefly in the adjacent Hut Fields, an escaped Vitelline
Masked Weaver visited the Obs garden during the afternoon, and
elsewhere there was a Hobby at Reap Lane and 10 Sanderling
at Ferrybridge. |
2nd |
The clear skies and fine weather of recent days
continued and saw to it that migrants were still not at all plentiful.
The Bill area produced 30 Swifts, 25 Sand Martins, 25 Willow
Warblers, 7 Wheatears, a Whimbrel, a Turnstone
and a Garden Warbler, with just 7 Common Scoter and 2 Great
Skuas passing on the sea there. |
Mediterranean Gull -
Ferrybridge, August 1st 2002 © Martin Cade
1st |
The flurry of interest yesterday proved
short-lived, with migrants in very short supply today. The Bill area
could muster no more than 50 Sand Martins, 4 Willow
Warblers and a Whimbrel, with 10 Common Scoter the
only birds of any note on the sea. Two Mediterranean Gulls were
new arrivals at Ferrybridge, where there were also 120 Dunlin,
100 Ringed Plovers, 7 Sanderling, and 3 Sandwich
and a Common Tern. |