31st |
month finished, as it had begun, with a rare Hippolais
warbler; this time a very elusive Icterine Warbler
that spent the late morning and early afternoon in the Hut
Fields and adjacent edge of the Obs garden. It was accompanied
by small numbers of common migrants, including 25 Willow
Warblers, a few Sedge and Garden Warblers, and
a Lesser Whitethroat. |
30th |
sprinkle of migrants around the Bill in the morning included 70 Willow
Warblers, 5 Grey Herons, 3 Tree Pipits, 8 Sedge
Warblers and a single Pied Flycatcher. The sea was
very quiet, and provided just 20 Common Scoter and a Whimbrel. |
29th |
busier day, with decent numbers of typical migrants for the
early autumn. Willow Warblers numbered more than 50 at
the Bill, where there were also several Sedge Warblers
and Blackcaps, and and a few Sand Martins passing
through; the Green Woodpecker showed up again in the
morning. Offshore, a total of 8 Balearic Shearwaters and
a Black Tern were seen. |
28th |
a less than promising start to the day, with very few migrants
about, a Melodious Warbler was trapped in the Obs garden
during the morning. Commoner migrants around the Bill area
otherwise included just a handful of Willow Warblers and Blackcaps,
and single Reed and Sedge Warblers. Off the Bill,
5 Balearic Shearwaters and a Great Skua passed
during the morning. |
27th |
much quieter day, with a meagre sprinkle of migrants. A Grasshopper
Warbler at the Obs. was the best new bird, and there were
otherwise just a handful of Willow Warblers and Garden
Warblers. The Green Woodpecker was again around the
Bill in the morning. |
26th |
similar day to yesterday, but without most of the better
migrants. At the Bill, 30 Willow Warblers and 4 Garden
Warbler were accompanied by just single Reed and Sedge
Warblers; the Green Woodpecker was present for a
second day. Waders were again numerous at Ferrybridge, where a
lone Curlew Sandpiper was present in the evening with 200 Dunlin,
40 Ringed Plover and 4 Sanderling. |
25th |
promising still and overcast dawn brought with it the first
reasonable flurry of autumn migrants. At the Bill, there were 40
Willow Warblers, 6 Garden Warblers, 2 Cuckoos,
and single Grasshopper Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Wood
Warbler and Pied Flycatcher; a Black Redstart was
again present, and a Green Woodpecker was an unusual
visitor. Offshore, single Balearic Shearwater, Grey
Plover and Arctic Skua were seen. Elsewhere on the
Island, a fly-through Serin was seen at Barleycrates
Lane. |
24th |
similar day to yesterday. At least 8 Willow and a Sedge
Warbler were at the Bill, where there was also a lone Black
Redstart. Sea movement was limited to just 6 Manx
Shearwaters and 6 Common Scoter. At Ferrybridge,
waders included 3 Little Ringed Plover and a Curlew
Sandpiper, as well as a brief reappearance of last weeks Kentish
Plover. |
23rd |
the Bill 3 Willow and a Sedge Warbler were the
only land migrants found, and 35 Common Scoter, 4
Balearic Shearwaters and 3 Whimbrel were the
highlights on the sea. Ferrybridge continues to get busier:
todays wader totals included 325 Dunlin, 57 Ringed
Plover, 3 Sanderling, 3 Little Ringed Plovers,
and single Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper and Knot. |
22nd |
stiff easterly wind dominated the day and most of the worthwhile
birds were seen off the Bill. Common Scoter and Black-headed
Gulls were moving in small numbers, and there were also 2
late Puffins, and single Balearic Shearwater, Curlew,
Mediterranean Gull and Arctic Skua. At
Ferrybridge, waders present included 153 Dunlin and a Little
Stint. |
21st |
day of settled weather and few birds. At the Bill, migrants on
the land included more Sand Martins, a Lapwing and
a Willow Warbler. Offshore, there were a few Manx
Shearwaters and Common Scoter, and single Balearic
Shearwater, Mediterranean Gull and Arctic Skua.
A Little Ringed Plover was at Ferrybridge. |
20th |
the very fine weather continuing birds remained at a premium.
Around the Bill there were just a few Sand Martins, 3 Grey
Herons, a Greenshank, and single Sedge Warbler
and Lesser Whitethroat. Seawatching was also slow with 4 Balearic
Shearwaters the only birds of note. Dunlin numbers
continue to increase at Ferrybridge: 68 were counted today. |
19th |
very fine weather but, not surprisingly, very few birds. At the
Obs Sand Martins trickled through all morning, a couple
of Ringed Plovers flew over and the first 2 Garden
Warblers of the autumn were seen. A single Common
Sandpiper was seen on East Cliffs. |
18th |
balmy summers day with a few birds on both land and sea. At the
Obs Sand Martins passed over in some numbers and there
were single Sedge Warbler, Blackcap and Bullfinch;
a couple of new Willow Warblers were seen at other Island
sites. Off the Bill more than 40 Common Scoter, and
single Balearic Shearwater and Pomarine Skua were
seen. |
17th |
to earth with a bump today. A few returning migrants trickled
through during the morning with Sand Martins, which
numbered more than 50, the most prominent; also present on the
land were single Grey Heron, Lapwing, Whimbrel,
Yellow Wagtail and Willow Warbler. Off the Bill
there were nearly 150 Common Scoter and 4 Balearic
Shearwaters. |
16th |
unexpectedly excellent day in what ought to be a quiet time of
year. Bird of the day was a fine male Black-headed Bunting
that spent nearly an hour in the morning around the Obs/Huts,
and then Culverwell, before leaving to the north; a female Serin
appeared briefly at the Obs at the same time. Also on the land, Sand
Martins were moving in some numbers, single Reed and Grasshopper
Warblers were seen at the Bill, and, most unusually for the
time of year, a Coal Tit showed briefly at St Georges
Church. Off the Bill, there was a small movement of Manx
Shearwaters and Common Scoter, 3 Pomarine and
a Great Skua, 2 Balearic Shearwaters, a Great
Crested Grebe, and a report of a Black Guillemot.
Finally, a female Kentish Plover found at Ferrybridge
showed well during the afternoon. |
15th |
wind eased markedly today but remained in the north, so it was a
surprise that as many as 12 Balearic Shearwaters passed
the Bill in the morning; also reported from the Bill were a few Manx
Shearwaters and Common Scoter, and 4 Little Egrets. |
14th |
surprisingly, considering there was no respite from the cool,
blustery weather that has been with us all week, little birding
was done today. A few Manx Shearwaters and a couple of
passing flocks of Common Scoter off the Bill were the
only birds of note reported. |
13th |
all round today with just 50 Manx Shearwaters, 45 Common
Scoter and a single Balearic Shearwater off the Bill,
and a Blackcap in the Obs garden. |
12th |
sea continued to provide most of the interest, with 200 Manx
and a Balearic Shearwater, as well as 75 Common Scoter
and a Storm Petrel off the Bill. Two Lapwing and a
Whimbrel were at the Bill; and continuing the wader theme
there were 40 Dunlin and 5 Sanderling at
Ferrybridge. |
11th |
of Manx Shearwaters remained offshore at the Bill all
day, but little else was seen on either the sea or the land. |
10th |
very windy weather today saw another decent passage of Manx
Shearwaters off the Bill, particularly in the evening when
several hundred passed. Variety was otherwise pretty limited
with just a single Balearic Shearwater and a Great
Skua seen. At Ferrybridge Dunlin have built up to 59,
and the first young Little Terns are now on the wing. |
9th |
unseasonably windy weather prevailing, birding activity was
confined to seawatching at the Bill where there was a steady
trickle of Manx and 3 Balearic Shearwaters, as
well as 3 Arctic Skuas and a Storm Petrel. |
8th |
the Bill a Snipe and a new Chiffchaff were the
only noteworthy land migrants. Offshore a lone Balearic
Shearwater passed, along with a trickle of Manx
Shearwaters. |
7th |
several very still days the wind increased conspicuously and Swifts
were in good supply passing north all day. Returning waders
included 3 Lapwings over Weston, and both Green
Sandpiper and Curlew at the Bill. |
6th |
extremely quiet day with no noteworthy migrants at the Bill, and
otherwise just a slight increase in Dunlin numbers at
Ferrybridge. |
5th |
again little was seen on the land or sea at the Bill. At
Ferrybridge return passage of common waders is starting: today
saw 8 Dunlin, 3 Redshank and a Black-tailed
Godwit recorded. |
4th |
light rain meant there was little birding activity on the land,
and the only new migrant discovered was a Reed Warbler at
the Obs. Off the Bill, Common Scoter and Black-headed
Gulls were passing in small numbers during the morning. |
3rd |
to form for the time of year today with the only worthwhile
birds reported at the Bill being single Curlew, Whimbrel
and Grey Wagtail. A Ring-necked Parakeet was an
unusual but brief visitor to the middle of the Island in the
morning. |
2nd |
the Sykes's Warbler had moved on overnight, but there was
a surprisingly good selection of common migrants at the Bill,
including single Whimbrel, Curlew, Yellow
and Grey Wagtail, Redstart, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff
and Lesser Whitethroat. Off the Bill there were a few Manx
Shearwaters and Common Scoter, as well as reports of
both Great and Pomarine Skuas. |

Sykes's Warbler ©
Martin Cade
1st |
were a few new migrants about at the Bill in the morning,
including a couple of Curlews, a Hobby and a Bullfinch,
but otherwise no hint of the excitement to come when, soon after
midday, a Booted Warbler (seemingly of the race rama
- Sykes's Warbler - the second record for Britain) was
trapped at the Obs. The bird remained for the rest of the day,
eventually settling and showing well in the edge of the Obs
garden. |