31st |
was little of interest anywhere today. A single Spotted
Flycatcher at the Obs. was virtually the only new migrant on
the land; whilst the sea, with just single Pomarine and Arctic
Skuas off the Bill in the evening, was hardly better. |
30th |
drizzle put the block on birding for most of the day, and the
best birds logged were a Reed Warbler and a Spotted
Flycatcher at the Obs., and a Storm Petrel and a
small evening movement of Manx Shearwaters off the Bill. |
29th |
ridge of high pressure improved the weather and migrants were a
little more conspicuous than for many days. At the Bill, where
the highlight was a Tree Sparrow at the Obs., counts
included 8 Spotted Flycatchers and 7 Reed Warblers,
as well as singles of Whinchat and Sedge Warbler;
lower numbers of the same species were also reported from
several other Island sites. Offshore, Manx Shearwaters
again figured prominently, and there were also 7 Arctic
and a Pomarine Skua, and 3 Storm Petrels. Two
Purple Sandpipers were again on the shore at the Bill. |
28th |
sea again provided most of the interest, with totals from the
Bill of more than 100 Manx and the first Balearic
Shearwater of the summer, 3 Arctic and 2 Great
Skuas, and 2 Great Northern and a Black-throated
Diver. A lingering Purple Sandpiper was still on the
shore at the Bill, and the handful of migrants on the land
included 2 Turtle Doves at Southwell, and 2 Spotted
Flycatchers and a Reed Warbler at the Bill. |
27th |
of the same today with no end to the wind and showers. Offshore
there were 50 Manx Shearwaters, 3 Pomarine, 2 Great
and an Arctic Skua, and 2 Red-throated Divers,
whilst in the inclement conditions just 2 Reed Warblers
and a Whimbrel were discovered at the Bill. |
26th |
third wet day in the last four saw no let-up in the recent
dismal spell. On the land the one or two new migrants noted
included singles of Yellow Wagtail, Blackcap and Willow
Warbler, whilst off the Bill a lone Great Northern Diver
and a few Manx Shearwaters were the best. |
25th |
westerly weather continued to dominate and as expected there was
virtually nothing of note on the land. Off the Bill there were
more than 100 Manx Shearwaters, 25 Common Scoter
and 5 Arctic Skuas. |
24th |
a more pleasant start today soon deteriorated into a repeat of
yesterdays washout. Once again there were a few Spotted
Flycatchers dotted about the Island, but the only other
birds on the move were the hirundines that trickled in
all morning. A Great Skua and a Storm Petrel were
the only worthwhile birds logged off the Bill. At Ferrybridge
wader passage seems to be tailing off: today saw counts of just
20 Dunlin and 4 Sanderling. |
23rd |
miserable day which started unpleasantly blustery and ended up
as a washout. On the land a few Spotted Flycatchers were
seen before it rained. Off the Bill there was just a trickle of Manx
Shearwaters and a single Great Skua. |
22nd |
weather continued to dominate and it remained very quiet. A
handful of Spotted Flycatchers were dotted around the
Island, but otherwise there were just singles of Yellow
Wagtail, and Reed and Sedge Warbler. At the
Bill, where there was a late Purple Sandpiper on the
shore, 2 Storm Petrels in the morning were the only birds
of note offshore. |
21st |
less than ideal blustery north-westerly winds the sea provided
virtually all the birds worth reporting. Over 100 Manx
Shearwaters and 70 Common Scoter were logged off the
Bill, along with 9 Knot, 3 Great Northern Divers,
a Red-throated Diver, a Storm Petrel, and single
Great and Pomarine Skuas. A Hobby at
Fortuneswell was the only worthwhile migrant on the land. |
20th |
short-lived ridge of high pressure settled the weather and a
handful more common migrants were discovered. About the Island
as a whole there were 25 or more Spotted Flycatchers, as
well as a few Yellow Wagtails, Whinchats and Reed
Warblers, and a single Grasshopper Warblers. A lone Black
Tern passed the Bill in the evening. |
19th |
change in the weather or the birds today. A single Spotted
Flycatcher was again the highlight on the land, and
seawatching produced 2 Arctic and a Pomarine Skua. |
18th |
north-westerly weather rarely produces much at Portland, and
today was no exception. On the land a single Spotted
Flycatcher at the Obs. was just about the only bird of note,
whilst offshore there were a few Manx Shearwaters and a
lone Great Skua. |
17th |
total change to blustery, much cooler, westerly weather did
nothing to improve the situation for common migrants, which
remained conspicuously few and far between everywhere. A lone
'green' Golden Oriole was seen in flight at Wakeham, but
could not be relocated later. Surprisingly little was stirred-up
offshore: off the Bill the only birds of note were a trickle of Manx
Shearwaters, single Red-throated and Great
Northern Divers, and a Great Skua. |
16th |
Fan-tailed Warbler remained overnight but was much more
difficult to pin down as it ranged between the Bill and
Culverwell for the first few hours of the day; it finally left
to the north around mid-morning and was not relocated. After
another foggy night very few common migrants arrived and a lone Hobby
was the only bird of note discovered later in the day. |

Fan-tailed Warbler
© Alan Tate
15th |
fog continued to shroud the Island from dawn and it was soon
evident that virtually no new migrants had arrived overnight.
However, no sooner had the sun started to burn off the fog than
a Fan-tailed Warbler was seen seemingly arriving in off
the sea. It later settled and showed well between the Pulpit Pub
and the Lower Admiralty compound, before moving to Culverwell in
the evening. A 'green' Golden Oriole was also trapped and
ringed at the Obs. as the fog cleared. |
14th |
swirling sea-fog lingering all day, at least at the Bill, today
was the quietest day for a long time. The only migrants of note
were a Turtle Dove and yesterdays Firecrest still
present at the Obs. |
13th |
of the rarities reported today stayed around to please the
weekend visitors: a Hoopoe flew north past one observer
at the Grove, and a Bee-eater was spotted from the car of
another birder driving down the Bill Road. A small flurry of
late migrants in early morning fog at the Bill included 3 Redpolls,
a Grasshopper Warbler, a Firecrest and a Pied
Flycatcher, and later a couple of Hobbies were seen.
With limited visibility the sea produced just 3 Great
Northern and a Black-throated Diver, and a single Great
Skua. |
12th |
the bulk of spring migrants having seemingly passed through, the
emphasis appears to be switching to variety rather than numbers.
A brief Red-throated Pipit at Weston was the highlight of
the day, although this was almost matched in local rarity terms
by the Stone Curlew that showed up for a little longer in
Top Fields. On the land migrants included 3 Hobbies, a Turtle
Dove and a late Redpoll at the Bill. Off the Bill
seawatching produced 80 commic Terns,11 Pomarine
and 2 Arctic Skuas, 2 Storm Petrels and a Little
Egret. At Ferrybridge 40 Sanderlings represented the
highest count of the species so far this spring. |
11th |
subtle change in the weather, with stronger easterly winds and
more overcast skies, resulted in a much better day for birds. At
the Obs. an apparent Iberian Chiffchaff was trapped and
ringed in the early afternoon. This bird was not heard calling
or singing but showed many of the in-hand features and
biometrics of the species. Later in the afternoon 2 separate Honey
Buzzards arrived in off the sea at the Bill. On the land Spotted
Flycatchers were conspicuous: 20 were trapped at the Obs.
and more than 50 were present around the Bill area. Other
migrants included a Wood Warbler at the Obs., several Turtle
Doves at the Bill, and good numbers of Swifts and hirundines
passing through. |
10th |
hazy, hot day saw two good raptors reported: a Black Kite
just clipped the north-west corner of the Island en route to the
mainland, and a Montagu's Harrier appeared overhead at
Ferrybridge. Land and sea were otherwise very quiet, with no
particularly noteworthy migrants save for a Little Stint
and 10 Black Terns at Ferrybridge. |
9th |
change in the weather and little change in the birds. Again very
few common migrants arrived overnight and seawatching continued
to be thwarted by poor visibility. A lone Serin put in
two brief appearances at Culverwell, there were 4 Wood
Warblers at sites between Southwell and Weston, and a late Ring
Ouzel was in the Top Fields. Offshore the highlight was the
first Storm Petrel of the year at the Bill in the
evening. |
8th |
there being no obvious change in the prevailing hot, humid
weather, today was a considerable anticlimax. The Wryneck
and Woodchat Shrike had both moved on overnight and
unfortunately nothing of note arrived in their place. Swifts
and hirundines continued to pass through in high numbers,
but otherwise common migrants were still scarce, with the best
being 2 Pied Flycatchers, a Turtle Dove and a Black
Redstart. Morning seawatching was hampered by poor
visibility, but in the evening a selection of waders, including
30 Whimbrel, were seen off Chesil Beach. |
7th |
the hot weather continuing this was another day that came up
with the goods, at least in terms of the rarities and sea
passage recorded. A Woodchat Shrike was a new arrival in
the Top Fields, the Wryneck at the Obs. Quarry continued
to please the crowds, and an Iceland Gull commuted
between Ferrybridge and the Bill. Less settled were a fly-over
female Montagu's Harrier, a Ring-necked Parakeet,
a Nightjar and a Tree Sparrow at the Bill, and one
or more flighty Golden Orioles reported from several
sites. Common migrants were thin on the ground everywhere, but
included 2 Wood Warblers at the Obs. The Chesil Beach was
the place to seawatch: here there were 800 commic and 169
Black Terns, as well as 6 Little Gulls; the Bill,
with just a trickle of commic Terns and 4 Arctic Skuas,
was poor in comparison. |
6th |
were high following the arrival of very warm weather but this
proved to be a day when most of the rarities seen were on the
move, and only seen by their lucky finders. The Wryneck
at the Obs. Quarry continued to show well all day, but less
obliging were a Bee-eater heard over the East Weares, at
least 1 Golden Oriole in the same area, and a Honey
Buzzard passing through along the West Cliffs. Migrant
numbers, with the exception of hirundines, were
considerably lower than yesterday, although most of the same
species were still represented; scarcer migrants recorded
included 2 Black Redstarts and a Firecrest at the
Bill, and at least 3 Hobbies. Hirundines streamed
through all day: conservative estimates put Swallow numbers
alone at 7500. The sea was productive, with the Chesil Beach
predictably doing well in the very hazy conditions: here there
were 38 Black and a Roseate Tern, whilst the Bill
provided 90 Common Scoter, 12 Black Terns, 12
Little Gulls, a Great Northern Diver and a few waders. |
5th |
classic Portland spring day. Under an overcast sky at dawn it
soon became apparent that there had been a major fall of
migrants: Swifts were arriving in numbers off the sea, and the
Bill was alive with a variety of common migrants - many flying
straight through into the strong north-east wind. The total of
220 new birds trapped and ringed at the Obs spoke volumes for
this sudden rush of birds after a long relatively barren spell
for common migrants. Day totals for the Bill area were difficult
to estimate with so many birds not lingering but included
minimums of 750 Swifts, 500 Willow Warblers, 80 Whinchat,
80 Garden Warblers, 75 Spotted Flycatchers,
50 Whitethroats, 15 Pied Flycatchers, 20 Tree
Pipits, 15 Sedge Warblers, 10 Yellow Wagtails,
5 Turtle Doves, 5 Wood Warblers, 4 Redstarts,
3 Reed Warblers, 3 Cuckoos and a Nightingale.
Rarity interest was maintained with 3 Serins, including 2
males together at the Obs, and the rediscovery of yesterdays Wryneck
which eventually showed well at the Obs. Quarry once the
weather improved in the afternoon. |
4th |
recent run of interest continued with the discovery of a
short-stay Wryneck during the morning at the Bill Quarry,
and another Serin during the afternoon near the Eight
Kings Quarry. Most common migrants were represented, albeit
generally still in lowish numbers; Swifts were an
exception, being logged passing through in good supply all day.
A single Pied Flycatcher was at the Obs, a lone Wood
Warbler at Verne Common and at least a couple of Hobbies
ranging widely. Off shore passage included a good variety of
waders, including 5 Black-tailed Godwits, off Chesil
Beach in the morning, and a Little Egret and single Pomarine
and Arctic Skuas. |
3rd |
were conspicuously fewer migrants about today, but the rarity
interest was maintained at the Obs. where there was another
fly-by Serin, and, in the nick of time in the evening, a
sub-adult male Golden Oriole which was found
trapped in one of the mist-nets. Commoner migrants included 2 Wood
Warblers at the Obs. and a Black Redstart on the East
Cliffs, as well as a trickle of Swifts passing through
all day. At sea, day totals off the Bill included 100 Bar-tailed
Godwits, 20 Dunlin, 2 Great and 2 Arctic
Skuas, and a Grey Plover. |

Golden Oriole ©
Martin Cade
2nd |
long last a decent spring day with migrants, seabirds and
rarities. The now daily flurry of Serins continued with
several sightings at the Bill and Southwell, but much more
exciting was a Short-toed Lark which showed well on the
slopes above the Lower Admiralty during the morning. A Woodchat
Shrike was reported briefly near the Pulpit Pub in the
afternoon. Numbers of common migrants picked up markedly across
the Island. At the Obs the 45 birds ringed included both Pied
and Spotted Flycatchers, and the Bill area in general
was much busier, with Whinchats and Wheatears
especially prominent. Elsewhere 2 Hobbies passed through
at Weston. Off the Bill, sea watching totals included 113 Bar-tailed
Godwits, 11 Pomarine and 1 Arctic Skua, 3 Knot
and a Great Northern Diver. |

Short-toed Lark ©
Peter Coe
1st |
the settled weather continuing most common migrants were again
at a premium. Hirundines were conspicuous all day, and
there were 2 Hobbies, a Turtle Dove and a Wood
Warbler at the Bill. One or more Serins continued to
be seen occasionally anywhere between the Bill and Southwell.
Sea passage was still rather disappointing: at the Bill 400 Bar-tailed
Godwits passed but there were just single Arctic and Pomarine
Skuas, whilst off Chesil Beach 5 Pomarine Skuas were
counted along with a variety a waders. At Ferrybridge Little
Terns now numbered nearly 100. |