Although abject on the migrant front today was saved by some more unexpected happenings on the sea. It was
Manx Shearwaters that again made up all the numbers, with several pulses of many hundreds in quick time passing through off the Bill, with it looking like yesterday's total of c3000 may well have been reached again;
Balearic Shearwaters featured a little more conspicuously, with at least 36 through, whilst further interest came in the form of singles of
Sooty Shearwater and
Arctic Skua. A
Goshawk heading north at the Grove was a surprise but, common migrant-wise, it was a dreadful day with only
Wheatear getting beyond a double figure total on the ground at the Bill.
As we mentioned last evening, Nick Hopper had a couple of good nocturnal recording sessions when he was staying with us last weekend; Tree Pipits dominated but the totals of Robin and Pied Flycatcher were also the best recorded to date - the combined totals for the nights of 24th/25th and 25th/26th were:
Tree Pipit calls 1122
Robin calls 161
Pied Flycatcher 47
Spotted Flycatcher 3
Yellow Wagtail 18
Little Ringed Plover
Green Sandpiper 4+
Greenshank 1
Turnstone 1
Redshank 5+
Common Sandpiper 6+
Knot 4 flocks
Dunlin 5 flocks
inged Plover 8 flocks
Common Tern 2 flocks
Grey Heron 2