21st August

Autumn progressed slowly on today with the first decent passage of Yellow Wagtails and Tree Pipits in the early hours followed by triple figures of Swallows and Sand Martins. The crown fields were once again harbouring a small flurry of Sedge Warblers while the sea was largely quiet with little more than five Balearic Shearwaters and an Arctic Skua along with low tallies of the usual fare. The wader flock at Ferrybridge continued to thrive with a pair of Whimbrel and a Knot joining the Ringed Plovers on the shore.

The island's still  awash with Painted Lady butterflies - surely many thousands in total - so it probably shouldn't be a surprise to see the odd freaky-looking one amongst them: this pale individual - seemingly lacking pigmentation rather than just faded - was at Coombefield Quarry yesterday © Duncan Walbridge:

And, as usual, there's plenty of other lepidoptera activity: Jersey Tiger, Adonis Blue and Wall Browns at High Angle Battery yesterday © Ken Dolbear...

...and the autumn's first Convolvulus Hawkmoth trapped overnight at the Obs © Martin Cade:

Ferrybridge is really alive with birds at the moment and the first juvenile Sanderlings are beginning to arrive amongst the 200 strong Ringed Plover flock © Debby Saunders (top) & Pete Saunders (bottom):