Very little to report from a day marked by gusting westerlies and clear skies. The nets were once again quiet as we failed to reach double figures (in fact the only new migrants were a pair of
Whitethroats). The sea provided some mild interest with 20
Manx and seven
Balearic Shearwaters, two lingering
Common Scoter on the sea, a
Turnstone east and two
Mediterranean Gulls past the Bill. One of the Ferrybridge
Little Gulls put in another showing alongside six
Sanderling, a
Whimbrel, three
Wheatears and a flock of five
Rooks heading South.
It's wonderful to see that at least a handful of the Little Tern chicks have made it to fledging, its just a shame that plastic has become a feature in their lives so early... ©Debby Saunders:
We'll be keeping an eye out for members of 'generation Z' over the next couple of years ©Pete Saunders: