30th July

As yesterdays tempest slowly ameliorated into a blustery but otherwise clear day, the numbers of seabirds calmed and migration over the land began to pick up again. As far as Moths were concerned, we were firmly back to the old faithfuls.

Portland Bill Swift 14, Sand Martin 2, House Martin 2, Willow Warbler 8, Raven 6.

Portland Bill Seawatch Manx Shearwater 68, Balearic Shearwater 3, Arctic Skua 1, Bonxie 1, Yellow-legged Gull 16, Mediterranean Gull 41, Guillemot 1, Sandwich Tern 1, Kittiwake 16, Curlew 1.

Ferrybridge Mediterranean Gull 595 (130 juveniles).

Moths Silver Y 2, Rusty-dot Pearl 3, Diamond-back Moth 5.

Juvenile Whitethroats are comprising the majority of the catch at the moment, particularly in the Crown Estate Fields where the species seem to have had a bumper year. 

The Bill Quarry Wheatears seem to be determined to moult into Wallcreepers...