Portland Bill Swift 14, Sand Martin 2, House Martin 2, Willow Warbler 8, Raven 6.
Portland Bill Seawatch Manx Shearwater 68, Balearic Shearwater 3, Arctic Skua 1, Bonxie 1, Yellow-legged Gull 16, Mediterranean Gull 41, Guillemot 1, Sandwich Tern 1, Kittiwake 16, Curlew 1.
Ferrybridge Mediterranean Gull 595 (130 juveniles).
Moths Silver Y 2, Rusty-dot Pearl 3, Diamond-back Moth 5.
Juvenile Whitethroats are comprising the majority of the catch at the moment, particularly in the Crown Estate Fields where the species seem to have had a bumper year.
The Bill Quarry Wheatears seem to be determined to moult into Wallcreepers...