A reminder that there's an In Focus field event at the Obs between 10am and 4pm this Sunday, 22nd July.
Portland Bill seawatching Manx Shearwater 21, Mediterranean Gull 20, Sandwich Tern 12, Common Scoter 6, Black-headed Gull 4, Yellow-legged Gull 3.
PBO nocturnal passage Dunlin 5 flocks + 1 single, Common Sandpiper 2 flocks + 2 singles, Redshank 1, Black-headed Gull 1.
Southwell Cuckoo 1.
Ferrybridge Dunlin 54, Sanderling 2, Whimbrel 1, Redshank 1.
Moths PBO Silver Y 30, Diamond-back Moth 7, Bird-cherry Ermine 1, Marbled Piercer 1, European Corn-borer 1, Rusty-dot Pearl 1.
Sand Martin was the feature migrant of the day at the Bill; with many lingering about over the fields as well as there being good pulses of what looked to be birds moving straight through it was tricky to get a handle on numbers but we'd doubt that fewer than 500 were involved...
...a sound lure certainly drew in plenty when we made a bit of an attempt to catch a sample of them...
...and the attempt had it's comical side with so many birds attracted at times that the top of the net sagged a couple of feet or more under their weight and actually prevented most being caught © Martin Cade:
Hot on the heels of yesterday's first Sedge Warbler of the season, today came up with the first Reed Warbler - a quite early autumn date for the Bill © Martin Cade:
Family parties of Sandwich Terns are beginning to show up at Ferrybridge and a lone Whimbrel was the pick of the waders there © Pete Saunders:
The highlight of overnight mothing was this very freaky-looking, copper-coloured Silver Y at the Obs - certainly the most extreme aberration of the species that we've ever seen © Martin Cade: