Immigrant/dispersing moth activity has quietened off in recent nights, with 39 Diamond-back Moth and 30 Silver Y providing the bulk of the numbers amongst the overnight catch at the Obs.
Has there ever been a twitchable Green Sandpiper at Portland? We learnt from a co-observer - a long-time visitor and now island resident - of this morning's bird at the Bill that it was quite likely a Portland tick for him which maybe isn't as surprising as it might seem since the vast majority of island records relate to fly-overs at a time of year when fieldworkers are pretty thin on the ground © Martin Cade:

This Grey Heron struck off high to the south after a short break on East Cliffs © Martin Cade:
As we've already mentioned, we have been trying to resist posting too many Yellow-legged Gull photos this year but we'll relent for a moment since there are so many about; this one was at Ferrybridge a couple of days ago © Debby Saunders (flying) and Pete Saunders (settled):