Portland Bill seawatching Manx Shearwater 50, Common Scoter 11, Balearic Shearwater 3 (first record this year), Whimbrel 1, Arctic Skua 1, Yellow-legged Gull 1.
PBO nocturnal passage Redshank 1 flock, Common Sandpiper 1.
Ferrybridge Dunlin 32, Redshank 6, Sanderling 6, Turnstone 5, Knot 4, Black-tailed Godwit 2, Whimbrel 1, Curlew 1, Common Gull 1.
Moths Obs Silver Y 60, Marbled Piercer 21, Diamond-back Moth 12, Rusty-dot Pearl 6, Fen Wainscot 4, Four-spotted Footman 3, Dark Sword Grass 3, Ash-bark Knot-horn Euzophera pinguis 2, Barred Red 2, Bulrush Veneer 1, Buff Footman 1, Campion 1, Southern Wainscot 1, Dark Spectacle 1; also Four Spotted 3, Large White 1, Green-veined White 1. Avalanche Road Southern Wainscot 1. Grove Gold Spot 1.
Although numbers remain relatively low the wader selection at Ferrybridge improved today, including these Knot and Redshank © Pete Saunders:
There are a fair number of ringed birds amongst the selection of Mediterranean Gulls at Ferrybridge; we sometimes receive whole batches of colour-ring numbers read by diligent visitors there - whilst we're always keen to learn of recoveries from some of the more obscure countries they originate from we'd urge observers to initially submit these sightings via the cr-birding website © Debby Saunders:
We'd hoped that a few overnight showers might have dropped a few extra migrants but in the event they were sufficiently insignificant and, besides, had long cleared through by dawn that this Grasshopper Warbler from the Crown Estate Field nets - the first ringed this year at the Bill - was the only minor highlight © Martin Cade: