26th July

Portland Bill Swallow 200, Swift 100, Sand Martin 50, Willow Warbler 30, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Ringed Plover 1, Turnstone 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Wheatear 1 (first autumn migrant), Sedge Warbler 1.

Portland Bill seawatch Manx Shearwater 60, Common Scoter 20, Black-headed Gull 2, Yellow-legged Gull 2, Sandwich Tern 1.

PBO nocturnal passage Oystercatcher 1, Redshank 1.

Weston Turtle Dove 1.

Ferrybridge Dunlin 21, Ringed Plover 12, Sanderling 2, Redshank 2, Black-tailed Godwit 2, Wheatear 1.

Moths PBO Silver Y 27, Diamond-back Moth 26, Marbled Piercer 2, Maiden's Blush 2, Rusty-dot Pearl 2, Wax Moth 1, Mocha 1, Four-spotted Footman 1.

Despite the prevailing scorching conditions immigrant butterflies aren't at all conspicuous around the island: Clouded Yellows have been straightforward to see in recent days in the Crown Estate Field where half a dozen or more seem to be semi-resident in the bottom of the valley but there have been few reports from elsewhere; a few very fresh Painted Ladys are maybe the progeny of earlier arrivals - this photographed specimen was at Easton today © Ken Dolbear; Red Admirals have been the most numerous although even they're hardly abundant.

This Mocha - another woodland stray that's a very infrequent visitor to Portland - was the pick of last night's moth catch © Martin Cade: