After yesterday's action there were high hopes for the moth-traps, but despite nice conditions 4 Vestals at the Obs and a Convolvulus Hawk-moth at West Grove Terrace were the best of the immigrants.
Rosy Starling, Wryneck, Melodious Warbler and Clouded Yellow - Portland Bill, 30th August 2015 © Tony Hovell (Rosy Starling still, Wryneck and Clouded Yellow), Roger Hewitt (Melodious Warbler) and Martin Cade (Rosy Starling video)
Also thanks to Pete Morris Birdquest for a cracking photo from yesterday evening of a Convolvulus Hawk-moth visiting Nicotiana flowers at the Obs:
Finally, an update on Nick Hopper's nocturnal recording escapades. Just lately Nick hasn't been able to get down as often as he'd like and when he has we haven't enough time to post much of a report on his result, but a visit just before the weekend came up with the now customary selection of waders, including this Greenshank:
...and oddities such as a Common Sandpiper engaging in some song; passerines included plenty of Tree Pipits and a probable Pied Flycatcher.