The rather samey run of migrants continued, with a fair flurry of new Willow Warblers - including another 100 at the Bill - but nothing else in quantity bar hirundines and late Swifts overhead. An Osprey that passed over at Blacknor was easily the best of the day's quality, with nothing at all unexpected showing up amongst the passerines on the ground, where the likes of single Pied Flycatchers at the Bill and Avalanche Road were as good as it got. Variety increased a little at Ferrybridge, where 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Greenshank and a Yellow-legged Gull were all new. Overhead, the autumn's first Grey Wagtail, along with 12 Tree Pipits, passed through at the Bill and a flurry of late Swifts included 50 over Blacknor. Sea interest was limited to a minimum of 10 Balearic Shearwaters lingering all morning off the Bill, where singles of Great Skua and Arctic Skua also passed through.
Busy moth-trapping overnight came up with the year's first White-speck at Weston and a Convolvulus Hawk at the Obs but new immigrants were otherwise poorly represented.