Another bout of glorious sunshine today, albeit always tempered by a keen southeasterly breeze. A fall of migrants was never on the cards but the subtle shift in wind direction more than perked up the sea that provided entertainment throughout the morning, with Bill totals that included c300 auk spp, c250 Gannets, 126 Kittiwakes, 88 Common Scoter, 13 Red-throated Divers, 12 Little Gulls, 7 Black-headed Gulls, 6 Garganey, 4 Eider, 3 Manx Shearwaters, 3 Mediterranean Gulls, 2 Shelducks and the first Arctic Skua of the spring; lower numbers off Chesil included 2 Red-breasted Mergansers. It was very hard going on the land, where odds and ends amongst pitiful numbers of common numbers on the ground included singles of Snipe, Black Redstart, Redwing and Bullfinch at the Bill, a White Wagtail at Suckthumb and a Black Redstart at the Grove; visible passage was also disappointingly light, with no more than a trickle of hirundines, pipits and finches on the move along West Cliffs.
A Large Tortoiseshell was seen near Verne Common.