The adage relates that one
Swallow doesn't make a summer and today's first single of the spring that passed through at Blacknor certainly wasn't moving with any other quantity of migrants. A few gatherings of
Stonechats - including 9 at Kingbarrow Quarry - were about as good as it got on the ground, with no more than a minor trickle of
pipits and
wagtails through overhead. Another 3
Manx Shearwaters and 2
Red-throated Divers passed by off the Bill.
Large Tortoiseshells were again at Church Ope Cove, with the first
Small White and
Hummingbird Hawkmoth of the year also on the wing at Blacknor and Portland Port respectively.
There mightn't have been much migrant activity but it was a decent enough day to get amongst some routine Portland fare - Skylark, Stonechat, Common Buzzard and Linnet © Roy Norris: