Due to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak PBO is unable to guarantee the wellbeing of visitors and is to close for residential guests with immediate effect and until further notice; our carpark and viewing patio will remain open for the time being but all indoor facilities will be out of bounds to day-visitors. These instructions will be constantly reviewed and may change without warning.
We will endeavour to contact all those with accommodation bookings in place for this spring but should this not be possible please do not travel and expect to be accommodated.
What would have been the morning rush was interrupted by some heavyish rain showers, so early morning tallies consisted of just one Wheatear at the Bill, a Fieldfare over the obs and single figures of Chiffchaffs. However, by the afternoon the rain had cleared and the wind FINALLY dropped to almost nothing; with this came a small movement of Chiffchaffs (12 in the obs recording area, three at Church Ope and 3 around Bumpers Lane), Wheatears (three in the East Cliffs fields), Stonechats (18 between Sweethill and Culverwell) and a single Black Redstart at Shepherds Dinner. The sea saw its share of the action too with 36 Manx Shearwaters, 19 Fulmars, 26 Common Scoter and singles of Red-throated Diver, Brent Goose and Bonxie.