With more clear blue skies and even less breeze than yesterday it was no surprise that numbers took a dip today. However, it was not all doom and gloom with the HoodedCrow making a return - albeit brief - visit to the Bill; a Melodious Warbler discovered in song at the Admiralty Hedge would have been an even more exciting highlight for most but it chose to shut up and go to ground the moment the first of the summoned admirers rolled up. Migrant-wise, there were few surprises amongst the smattering of late season arrivals, with 4 Pied Flycatchers scattered around the centre and north of the island the best of the passerines on offer; a welcome flurry of waders at Ferrybridge included 98 Dunlin, 11 Whimbrel (plus another 34 fly-throughs), 9 Bar-tailed Godwits, 3 Sanderling and 2 Knot. A little passage at sea included 164 Common Scoter and a Great Northern Diver through off the Bill.