As is usually the case with beautiful clear days on Portland, the only real bird of interest arrived early and left almost immediately after singing for a brief period. This was certainly the case today although not a Golden Oriole as the theme has been recently but a
Common Rosefinch at Culverwell. Other migrants were extremely limited to a slack handful of
Phylloscs (predominantly
Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and
Spotted Flycatchers as well as the lingering
Turtle Dove. The sea was equally quiet with 73
Manx Shearwaters, 4
Mediterranean Gulls and a lone
Arctic Skua.
The non-avian highlight of the day was the first Lulworth Skipper of the year; traditionally, Portland's population emerges later than those to our east and this year is no exception being 19 days later than those at Lulworth itself © Roger Hewitt: