22nd May

A stunningly clear day from start to finish did little for the birding, but was greatly appreciated by the sun-worshippers of the south coast. The highlight of a largely predictable day was another singing Golden Oriole at Culverwell, as is the trend this year it was hugely elusive showing for brief glimpses before vanishing back amongst the Sycamore leaves to whistle its melody once more. Other migrants were decidedly thin on the ground with little more than a handful of Spotted Flycatchers, Reed Warblers and Chiffchaffs and singles of Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler and Yellow Wagtail. The sea too was quiet with just a measly passage of Common Scoters to keep us occupied.

Perhaps not the best day for birding was an excellent day for butterflies with this Adonis Blue, found away from the usual haunts, on the Slopes © Erin Taylor: