The fact that no Willow Warblers were ringed all day at the Obs in what amounted to absolutely perfect mist-netting conditions just about summed up the migrant situation on a day that was so hot and sunny that it felt a lot more like July than early May. Fortunately, a handful of island scarcities salvaged some interest, with singles of Red Kite and Osprey through over Easton Lane and Weston respectively, singles of Continental Coal Tit and Corn Bunting at the Bill (the former also later at Wakeham) and 4 Pomarine Skuas through off the Bill. The rather pitiful show of commoner migrants on the ground was almost limited at the Bill to 30 Wheatears, 20 Chiffchaffs, 3 White Wagtails and a Spotted Flycatcher; overhead passage was stronger and included the first three figure total of Swifts of the spring as well as a continuing heavier than expected movement of Sand Martins. Waders increased a little, with 23 Whimbrel and 8 Bar-tailed Godwits at Ferrybridge. Manx Shearwaters dominated the numbers offshore, with close to 150/hour passing the Bill in the evening; additional to the Pomarine Skuas, singles of Great Northern Diver and Arctic Skua also passed by off the Bill.
Nocturnal recording in the last few very clear nights hasn't been particularly productive, with routine waders accounting for the majority of loggings - the first Greenshank of the spring were last night's highlight: