You'd have thought that a grey-backed 'yellow' wagtail migrating high over the Bill in mid-May stood at least a chance of being Citrine but, sadly, our luck wasn't in and today's bird was no more than just a very unseasonable Grey Wagtail © Martin Cade:

And back to the last few days for a bit of catching up. Common Blues and Dingy Skippers are both now on the wing - these two were at Bottomcombe on Tuesday © Ken Dolbear:

And Nick Hopper popped us through a note on his last nocturnal recording visit on Saturday night (12th/13th May): singles of Greenshank, Whimbrel, Dunlin and Spotted Flycatcher were logged along with a small flock of Bar-tailed Godwits and single flocks of Common Tern and Arctic Tern; the oddity of the night was a Moorhen (it was a night when pretty well everything was distant, with the Moorhen just about the closest bird and even that recording had to considerably amplified - a 'record shot' recording!):