In rapidly improving conditions migrant numbers dropped back to a more expected level today, with 15
Spotted Flycatchers, 10
Reed Warblers and low single figure totals of a few other common migrants grounded at the Bill; wader numbers also dwindled, with 44
Ringed Plover, 42
Dunlin, 10
Sanderling and a
Knot at Ferrybridge. Despite the clearing sky
hirundines and
Swifts didn't feature overhead in any quantity at all.
It was easily the busiest night of the year to date for moths, with 16
Diamond-back Moth, 3
Rusty-dot Pearl and 3
Silver Y making up the immigrant tally at the Obs; singles of
Maiden's Blush and Orange Footman were strays of note there, with several additional
Orange Footman trapped at other sites.
Skylarks enjoying the most benign of evenings at the Bill © Martin Cade: