A day with lots of merits - notably more glorious weather that could be enjoyed without the spoiler of the majority of the general public who'd en masse stayed indoors to watch the various national happenings on television - but migrant interest wasn't really one of them. The conditions were far too nice to have expected anything other than passing hirundines to be in quantity and 2
Redstarts, a
Grey Heron and a
Sedge Warbler at the Bill, a
Spotted Flycatcher at Avalanche Road, a
Yellow Wagtail at High Angle Battery and 3
Sanderlings and 2
Whimbrel at Ferrybridge were about as good as it got on the ground;
hirundines and
Swifts provided the day's numbers, with
Swallows passing at more than 300/hour at times at the Bill.
One of this evening's Whimbrel at Ferrybridge © Martin Cade: