Chillier today but in quiet, sunny conditions it was pleasantly birdable. A Stone Curlew was an unexpected albeit brief visitor to the Bill where yet another new Yellow-browed Warbler dropped in, but these oddities aside the day's happenings were much as might be expected given the conditions. Overnight, heavy cloud cover had dropped a host of overflying migrants to audible height, with a succession of Golden Plovers of note amongst the more routine thrushes and other seasonable migrants, but a clearance before dawn had given most of these birds a chance to get away. At the Bill, diurnal overhead passage included 350 Wood Pigeons and 50 Redwings amongst a steady but generally light movement akin to recent days; it was a similar situation on the ground, where variety included 3 Black Redstarts, 2 Woodcock and a late Whitethroat. Waders at Ferrybridge included 15 Bar-tailed Godwits, 5 Grey Plover and 3 Redshank.
Mothing slowed up with the drop in temperature: a lone White-speck was the best of the 26 individual immigrants trapped overnight at the Obs, whilst a Delicate was the pick of the catch at Sweethill.
The Stone Curlew was Portland's latest record and the first to occur in November © Ross Underwood posbrookpics
Just lately the Ferrybridge wader selection has been more varied than's been the case in most recent winters, with Grey Plovers present there daily © Pete Saunders (settled) and Debby Saunders (flying):