Increasing amounts of cloud during the hours of darkness looked to have some promise for dropping a few arrivals but in the event virtually all the day's passage was again overhead, with some decent totals accrued at the Bill. In a light westerly, movement was taking place both to the north and the south, with the bulk of the morning's total consisting of 1400 Starlings, 800 Wood Pigeons, 400 Chaffinches, 200 Goldfinches and 175 Linnets; variety otherwise wasn't great but did include 13 Siskins, a Snipe and a Brambling. Newcomers on the ground were conspicuously few and far between, with even the likes of Blackbirds poorly represented; the Siberian Lesser Whitethroat was still about at the Obs, whilst a Black Redstart was also now a likely winterer there. Four Teal passed by off the Bill where the first returned Fulmar also showed up. Ferrybridge was again busy, with 370 Mediterranean Gulls, 22 Bar-tailed Godwits, 3 Grey Plover, 2 Redshank, the Black Brant and a Knot amongst the morning selection.
The quiet, mild and increasingly overcast conditions overnight favoured a decent moth catch, with immigrants being represented at the Obs by 85 Rusty-dot Pearl, 6 Rush Veneer, 2 Diamond-back Moth and singles of Radford's Flame Shoulder, White-speck and Silver Y.
In an autumn that's already produced 14 others between 29th September and 30th October it probably shouldn't have been a surprise that the immigrant moth highlight of the night was yet another Radford's Flame Shoulder; in contrast to these earlier records, this one actually conforms much more closely with our only other records before this year that occurred on 12th November (twice) and 1st December: