By day, a lone Clouded Yellow was at the Bill and single Hummingbird Hawk-moths were again at several sites. Overnight, a single Marbled Yellow Pearl Evergestis extimalis at the Grove was easily the best of the thin selection of immigrants attracted to the moth-traps.
Forester and Silver-studded Blue - Admiralty Quarry, 6th July 2016 © Ken Dolbear
And on the subject of day-flying lepidoptera, we happened to be passing Ferrybridge in the late afternoon just as Andrew Duff caught this Six-belted Clearwing whilst sweeping thrift for beetles - although they're common enough in places on 'Tophill' we couldn't immediately recollect any previous records of this clearwing from Chesil ( fact we were quite disappointed that it wasn't a Thrift Clearwing which, since it occurs within sight of the island in east Devon, remains something of a Holy Grail for Portland clearwing-seekers!):