Today's most noteworthy event was a significant arrival of large gulls off the Bill - presumably attracted by shoaling fish although there wasn't actually a lot of evidence of them feeding whilst they were within sight of land; numbers were hard to get a full handle on but there were a minimum of 70 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 10 Yellow-legged Gulls, 7 Black-headed Gulls and 5 Mediterranean Gulls amongst many hundreds of Herring Gulls. Migration-wise there was precious little change at the Bill: another 50 Sand Martins, 35 Swifts and a Dunlin passed through, singles of Reed Warbler and Sedge Warbler were new on the ground and 6 Common Scoter and 3 Manx Shearwaters headed by on the sea. Ferrybridge came up with totals of 55 Dunlin, 30 Mediterranean Gulls and singles of Black-tailed Godwit and Yellow-legged Gull.
Moth interest was much reduced, with 53 Diamond-back Moth, 7 Silver Y, 2 each of Marbled Piercer, Buff Footman and Cream-bordered Green Pea, and singles of Rusty-dot Pearl and Dark Sword Grass at the Obs.
Black-tailed Godwit, Chalkhill Blue, Gatekeepers and Small Coppers - Ferrybridge and High Angle Battery, 21st July 2016 © Pete Saunders (Blackwit) and Ken Dolbear (the butterflies)