Sedge Warbler from yesterday and Peregrine Southwell and Ferrybridge ©Pete Saunders
29th July
With the weather set fair it's difficult to not sound like a broken record, but this recent run of weather has been fabulous. Even with clear skies overnight we're still managing to amass a good total of migrants, Sedge Warblers were at their highest number so far this autumn with at least 30 birds scattered around the bill, Willow Warblers again trickled through and over 100 were logged by lunch, Other noteworthy birds at the bill were, 25 Swallows, 14 Swift, 8 Wheatear, 6 Sand Martin and singles of Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher and a Grey Heron flew south. The sea by comparison was quieter with 9 Manx Shearwaters, 4 Balearics, 2 Mediterranean Gull, 2 Common Tern and a Sanderling. Ferrybridge wader numbers remained relatively similar to the previous couple of days, 3 Juvenile Peregrines however were the first seen on the wing this year. The Obs garden moth traps were seemingly bursting at the seems this morning, with Four Spotted being exceptionally well represented again with 20 in 7 traps, Rusty Dot Pearl Udea Ferrugalis more than tripled from the previous night to 63, there were also 22 Diamond Back Plutella Xylostella, 12 Marbled Piercer Cydia Splendana 10 Dark Sword Grass, 2 Vagrant Piecer Cydia amplana, 2 Dark Spinach and 1 each of Southern Wainscot and Small Rufus.