Today's fair weather, clear skies and north-westerly breeze saw a good deal of movement get going overhead and on the sea, with a fair new arrivals on the ground as well. The sea came up with the best of the numbers, with 75 Manx Shearwaters, 40 commic terns, 31 Common Scoter, 5 Black-headed Gulls and singles of Arctic Skua and Sandwich Tern through off the Bill, whilst overhead 25 Sand Martins, 6 Little Egrets, 2 Redshank and a steady trickle of Swifts passed over the Bill and another 8 Sand Martins headed over at Ferrybridge. A singing Blackcap was an unexpected new arrival at the Bill, but most of the other interest on the ground concerned returning waders, with 2 Common Sandpipers at the Bill and 31 Dunlin, 5 Curlew and singles of Sanderling, Redshank and Whimbrel. Finally, the Hooded Crow remained at Admiralty Quarry.
Once again, immigrant/dispersing moths hardly featured: 4 Dark Sword Grass, a Cream-bordered Green Pea and a Dark Spectacle provided the only interest at the Obs.