3rd November
A much more birdable day with yesterday's wind and rain replaced by clearer skies and no more than a brisk breeze. The change prompted diurnal migrants to make tracks, with 1500 Wood Pigeons and a decent little passage of finches through in quick time after dawn at the Bill; several Swallows and a House Martin also passed through as the day went on. On the ground, a few new 'crests, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs were in evidence whilst stickers still in residence included the Pallas's Warbler at Avalanche Road, a Yellow-browed Warbler at Wakeham, the Wryneck at the Bill and a sprinkle of Black Redstarts everywhere. Snippets from the water included a Great Northern Diver through off the Bill and 8 Common Scoter, a Black-throated Diver and a Black-necked Grebe in Portland Harbour.