At least one of the Ferrybridge Goosanders appears to be feeding well with a noticeable (perhaps imaginatively) fish shaped lump in its crop © Pete Saunders:
11th November
A windswept day left eyes streaming, hands chilling and birds hiding. The Bill provided little new of note but the lingering Wryneck (surely it must be ready to leave soon?) and a fleeting glimpse of the Little Bunting at a new garden in Southwell added some much needed interest. Other migrants included a smart adult Yellow-legged Gull accompanied by a second-winter individual, four Lapwings and two Red-breasted Mergansers past at sea. Elsewhere on the island tallies were equally unimpressive although four Firecrests at Church Ope was a high count for recent days. Ferrybridge was quiet with three Goosanders and singles of Knot and Snipe.