A day of quality over quantity with plenty of excitement. The morning started with the resighting and retrapping of Thursday's MelodiousWarbler at Culverwell. This was shortly followed by a fly-by LaughingGull reported from the Obs sea-watch whilst the rest of us were hunting down a mystery wader reported the previous evening. The afore mentioned wader gave itself up almost immediately as a beautiful 'sum-plum' GoldenPlover. In quick succession a HoodedCrow was discovered in amongst the CarrionCrows at the Coastguards and promptly moved to the East Cliff fields. The final highlight of the day came from the alert of a KentishPlover at Ferrybridge that disappeared at times but reappeared to give good views feeding amongst the RingedPlovers, Bar-TailedGodwits and Dunlin. The supporting cast across the island was not to be scoffed at with two Cuckoos, a fly-over TurtleDove, a singing WoodWarbler at Church Ope Cove, a passing Swift and single figures of GardenWarblers, TreePipit and the common migrants. The mornings sea-watch was quiet with the exception of the highest PomerineSkua count of the spring seeing seven birds passing by, including a flock of four.