24th April

The at times torrential showers that dominated the morning eventually ameliorated to reveal a warm but breezy day with a handful of interesting migrants. The highlights came immediately after the rain when Wood Warblers showed up at the Obs and Culverwell, and a Cuckoo was in song at Avalanche Road; the accompanying miscellany at the Bill included 2 Lesser Whitethroats, singles of Ring Ouzel and Firecrest, the lingering Tree Sparrows, the lingering Moorhens and a smattering of commoner migrants, whilst elsewhere there was a Pied Flycatcher at Southwell. The sea was quieter than in recent days, with 250 Manx Shearwaters, 21 Bar-tailed Godwits, 6 Great Skuas, 2 Arctic Skuas and a Mute Swan the best on offer at the Bill.

The Cuckoo in song at Avalanche Road - an infrequently heard sound at Portland these days:

Two Wood Warblers graced the Bill today - this one was at the Obs © Martin Cade...

...and the other at Culverwell © Steve Gantlett cleybirds

The day's only Pied Flycatcher was at a regular hotspot for them at Southwell © Debby Saunders:

A few off-passage Whimbrel have been featuring in recent days - this one was at the Bill today © Steve Gantlett cleybirds:

It's looking like a lot of Whitethroats have arrived straight in at their breeding territories, with singing males - many already accompanied by females - popping up all over the island before there has been much of a push of migrants through at the Bill (just 14 have been ringed so far this season at the Obs) © Chris Patrick: