Bar-tailed Godwit at Ferrybridge this morning © Debby Saunders:
16th April
Despite the persistent damp throughout the morning there were still spring highlights to be had including the first Grasshopper Warblers (one in the nets, one at Blacknor, one at Suckthumb and one at the Verne). The third Pied Flycatcher of the year was at Suckthumb as well as one of the first two Sedge Warblers, the second being at the Obs. Other land-based migrants involved a smattering of the regular early April fare joined by a single Firecrest, a pair of Whitethroats and a trio of Tree Pipits. The sea was fairly quiet although 75 Manx Shearwater, seven Eider, six Arctic Skuas and a Pintail added some nice variety. Elsewhere on the island Suckthumb benefitted the most from the showery front which saw an influx of Phylloscs, Blackcaps, four Redstarts, a Pied Flycatcher and a Goldcrest as well as the aforementioned goodies.