Apart from seeing in a marked downturn in the weather this week has also come up with the two best falls of
Goldcrests of the autumn, with today's arrival of 50 or so at the Bill being a particular surprise - it can't have been much fun migrating in last night's blasting wind. With very heavy rain setting in and the wind gusting up towards 70mph by the evening today wasn't really birdable after midday but, the
Goldcrests aside, the morning did come up with a scatter of 4
Black Redstarts, plenty of new
Chaffinches and a odd ones of twos of other routine late arrivals.
Kittiwakes begun to pass the Bill in moderate numbers as the blow set in but the sea was otherwise pretty quiet.
Three of today's Black Redstarts - like this one at Church Ope Cove - were probably winterers settling in for the duration, but one at the Obs looked to be a new arrival
© Martin Adlam Port and Wey Blog:
It might have got pretty stormy at times in the last few days but it's still very mild so a Clouded Yellow on the wing at Church Ope wasn't too much of a surprise
© Martin Adlam Port and Wey Blog: