The day's excitement was undoubtedly provided by leftovers from yesterday in the still-leaved Sycamores at Wakeham. An impressive crest flock doing the rounds included a minimum of 20 Goldcrests, 2 Firecrests, a vocal Yellow-browed Warbler and the stunning Pallas's Warbler which provided fun and games but giving prolonged views at times.
Odds and ends from elsewhere included another Yellow-browed Warbler at Thumb Lane, a juv Arctic Tern in the harbour and the Glaucous Gull at Ferrybridge showing its force.
Despite the better views offered by this late leaf warbler, only a select few observers managed to get good photographs whilst it fed energetically amongst the leaves © Duncan Walbridge:
At this time of year, white-winged gulls are an expected feature of the birding fare. Just a shame this Guillemot hadn't read his calendar © Debby Saunders:
Where the seasons meet, at a blustery beach in Dorset. Some fine flight-shots of oddities about today © Pete Saunders: