Although the fog made an attempt at a comeback - at least at the Bill where it lingered for several hours either side of midday - today for most part saw a return to the sunny sky and warmth of summer. The birding had a touch of colour about it with the Rosy Starling at the Bill being joined by a second individual - perhaps all the sightings in the last week have related just to the two original birds that found each other again today - and a Red-backed Shrike showing up at Coombefield Quarry. Commoner migrants included 4 Chiffchaffs, 3 Spotted Flycatchers, and singles of Redstart, Black Redstart, Blackcap and Willow Warbler at the Bill, a Reed Warbler at the Grove, singles of Black Redstart and Siskin at Blacknor and 20 Dunlin, 16 Sanderling, 6 Turnstones and 2 Whimbrel at Ferrybridge.
A quite major influx of Silver Ys has been developing in recent days, with large numbers visiting Red Valerian flowers even during the daylight hours; more than 170 were caught overnight in one moth-trap at the Grove. Immigrant totals from the Obs traps included 30 Silver Y, 22 Diamond-back Moth, 4 Rusty-dot Pearl and singles of Dark Sword Grass, Dark Spectacle and Gold Spot. At least 1 Clouded Yellow was at the Bill today.
Just occasionally the best laid plans do come to fruition and Erin's quest for a Red-backed Shrike today involved a lot of legwork but eventually came up with the most handsome of rewards © Erin Taylor (stills) and Martin Cade (video):

Clouded Yellow and Mother Shipton in the Obs Quarry Field today © Ted Pressey: