28th June

With it again rather too hot to spend long thrashing about on the land when the chances of stumbling across anything untoward aren't exactly high most of today's sightings were from the sea, with 19 Common Scoter, 9 Manx Shearwaters, 8 Mediterranean Gulls, 2 commic terns and a Sandwich Tern through off the Bill; a total of 11 Swifts through overhead there looked to be purposeful movers. The only other reports were of 18 Black-headed Gulls, 4 Shelduck and a Mediterranean Gull at Ferrybridge and the autumn's first Common Sandpiper at Portland Harbour.

A Skylark still in good song at the Bill this morning © Martin Cade: 

A total of four young Wheatears fledged successfully from the breeding site at the Bill, with all now getting quite mobile...

...despite the parched and even more rock-hard than usual ground the male was still finding plenty to provision them with © Martin Cade: