A potential Portland rarity today with a report of a brief
Cirl Bunting during the afternoon in Top Fields - a decent hunt for it later revealed no further sign. Yet another late
Reed Warbler was in song at the Bill but the only other new migrant on the land - a
Willow Warbler - was certainly heading in the other direction. The other reports were all from the sea, with 45
Common Scoter, 6
Mediterranean Gulls, 6
Sandwich Terns, 6
commic terns, 2
Manx Shearwaters and a
Black-headed Gull through off the Bill.
A hint of a little more dispersal overnight, including singles of
White Satin at Sweethill and Reap Lane and
Barred Red at Sweethill.
Today's Willow Warbler - a female with a brood patch that had presumably failed in its breeding attempt somewhere up-country - was in a right shoddy state; with it already having begun its complete moult it's hard to believe that it would be attempting a Channel crossing right now so perhaps it'll linger about © Martin Cade: