With a stiff northwesterly blowing there wasn't really much hope of quality newcomers and it was left to two elusive stayers - the Hoopoe at Southwell and the Wryneck at the Obs Quarry, both of which only showed once all day - to provide the best of the interest. Grounded commoner migrants were patchily spread and included 40 Chiffchaffs, 35 Wheatears, 15 Willow Warblers and 10 Blackcaps at the Bill/Southwell and 40 or more Blackcaps in the Grove/Easton area; amongst the also-rans a Short-eared Owl at the Bill was as good as it got. Visible passage fizzled out quite quickly at the Bill where there was an early pulse of 300 mixed hirundines, 200 Meadow Pipits, 27 Grey Wagtail and 20 Yellow Wagtails but little more once the threat of heavy showers looked to be materialising. The sea was almost devoid of passage, with just 2 Manx Shearwaters of note off the Bill.
Singles of Rusty-dot Pearl and Convolvulus Hawkmoth were the only immigrants amongst the very limited overnight catch of moths at the Obs.