Red Admiral butterflies were impressively numerous everywhere, with a sample count of 150 at Barleycrates Lane alone; a constant succession also looked to be purposefully on the move into the brisk north-easterly.
Immigrant moth totsls were only reported from the Obs, where 3 Pearly Underwings, 2 each of Rusty-dot Pearl and Rush Veneer and singles of Dark Sword Grass and Delicate were trapped overnight.
Yesterdays Little Stints were back at Ferrybridge for a while early in the morning © Pete Saunders (upper) and Debby Saunders (lower):

You can never get enough of a Wryneck and the Obs Quarry bird has been putting on a particularly good show this weekend © Simon Colenutt the deskboundbirder:

Although nocturnal immigrant moths have been rather few and far between just lately, by day Hummingbird Hawkmoths continue to be frequently seen © Dave Foot:
The Weymouth/Portland area has been treated to a fantastic arrival of North American waders in the last week, with the latest being a Baird's Sandpiper discovered on the Fleet this afternoon © Martin Cade: