With routine passerine migration remaining less than riveting it was left to the sea and the trio of lingering goodies to the provide the day's action. The Buff-breasted Sandpiper on Bill Hill and the Wryneck at the Obs Quarry remained on station to entertain the steady stream of listers journeying out after scoring with the Stilt Sandpiper and Least Sandpiper at Lodmoor; the Hoopoe was also still about at Southwell but being tucked away in private gardens ensured it escaped the attention of the crowds. Despite the still fresh offshore blow the sea came up with several surprises at the Bill, notably involving at least 5 lingering Storm Petrels and a passing Black Tern; 6 Balearic Shearwaters, 4 Arctic Terns, 3 Black-tailed Godwits and 2 Sooty Shearwaters also passed through there. Although Meadow Pipits were moving overhead in modest numbers grounded arrivals weren't at all plentiful, with 75 Wheatears the only total worth a mention from the Bill. The summering Eider remained in Portland Harbour and singles of Common Scoter, Common Sandpiper and Kittiwake were of note at Ferrybridge.
The weather conditions just lately haven't been at all suitable for nocturnal sound-recording and Nick Hopper has only been able to make two visits to the Obs so far this month. The first session a fortnight ago was very quiet, with just four wader species logged (Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and Knot) but it was a little busier this last Saturday night (9th-10th September) when the most interesting calls were from a Little Egret - a new species for Nick's recording project at Portland - at 04.18; the most numerous caller was Robin with 12 lots of calls, whilst there were additional loggings of Tree Pipit 10, Yellow Wagtail 2, Bar-tailed Godwit 3 flocks, Knot 2, Dunlin 2 flocks, Ringed Plover 2 flocks and Common Sandpiper 2.