The immigrant moth tally wasn't too bad considering the strength of the wind, with 47 Rush Veneer, 9 Rusty-dot Pearl, 5 Diamond-back Moth, 2 Dark Sword Grass and singles of Waste Grass-veneer Pediasia contaminella, Convolvulus Hawk-moth, Delicate, White-speck and Silver Y trapped overnight at the Obs.
The moth-traps have been turning up a few oddball, out of season species just recently, with a Waste Grass-veneer - a far as we can see, the latest island record of this scarce immigrant - an unexpected capture at the Obs:
Kent Black Arches is another mid-summer species that seems to be increasingly often churning out a small second brood at this time of year - this one was also caught overnight at the Obs:
Also on the moth front, our Death's-head Hawk-moth (from the caterpillar found at Culverwell on 16th August) finally emerged over the weekend: