18th September
Plenty of action overhead today but on the ground it was a day of variety as opposed to numbers. The spread of scarcities included a Quail flushed at Reap Lane during combine harvesting and an Ortolan Bunting heading north over Blacknor, along with the Rosy Starling and at least 3 Wrynecks that remained on station. Swallows and Meadow Pipits were making the most of the clear skies and both got up to around a four figure total at the Bill where most of the other mid-autumn usual suspects were well represented overhead. On the deck Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps put in fair showings, with 60 and 30 respectively at the Bill, but there were few other noteworthy totals amongst the varied selection of also-rans; the autumn's first Merlin (at Ferrybridge) was of note along with the first few Dark-bellied Brent Geese (13 at Ferrybridge and a single off the Bill). The conditions remained less than suitable for seawatching but a cursory look from the Bill did come up with 3 Balearic Shearwaters.
A drop in the strength of the wind saw immigrant moth totals creep back up, with 97 Silver Y, 34 Rush Veneer, 21 Rusty-dot Pearl, 4 Dark Sword Grass, 2 Vestals and singles of Convolvulus Hawk-moth and Scarce Bordered Straw caught overnight in the Obs traps. By day, Clouded Yellows were a little more conspicuous than they have been for a while, with at least 5 at the Bill.