The first Orange-tip butterfly of the year was on the wing at Southwell.
Immigrant moth interest consisted of just a single Diamond-back Moth at the Obs.
Wryneck, Whimbrels and Shelduck - Suckthumb Quarry and Ferrybridge, 15th April 2015 © Roger Hewitt (Wryneck) and Pete Saunders (Whimbrel and Shelduck)
...and for something completely different, a great little video clip of underwater jellyfish action today off Chesil Cove © Steve Trewhella:
...and for something completely different, a great little video clip of underwater jellyfish action today off Chesil Cove © Steve Trewhella:
Finally, a nocturnal sounds update to finish off for the day. Nick Hopper's latest offering has been Common Scoter recorded several times in recent nights; of all the recent recordings Nick's passed to us this one just about takes the biscuit, as much for the fact that scoters are flying at night close enough to the Obs to be even heard in the first place as for the fact that the call's utterly unfamiliar (although we tend not to see them particularly close when they're diurnal seawatch flybys, we can't recollect ever having heard any calls from them in any circumstances at Portland) - fantastic stuff!